🎨 Colo­rist Available for Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons @adriaphtc 🎨

Hey the­re! I’m Adria Car­ri­le­ro, and I’m pas­sio­na­te about color gra­ding. If you’­re working on a film or a video­clip pro­ject and need that extra touch of magic, I’m here to col­la­bo­ra­te with you.

I spe­cia­li­ze in enhan­cing visu­als to cap­ti­va­te audi­en­ces with a meti­cu­lous eye for detail and a love for sto­rytel­ling. Whe­ther it’s a fea­ture film, short film, or docu­men­ta­ry, I’m com­mit­ted to making the pro­ject shi­ne.

Check out my port­fo­lio at www​.adria​p​car​ri​le​ro​.com and give me a fol­low on Insta­gram @adriaphtc so we can dis­cuss how we can work tog­e­ther. 🙂

Tschüss! ✨
