Film­klub 35K: Film Dis­cus­sion on GRITT with direc­tor Iton­je Søi­mer Gut­torm­sen

The stu­dent film club 35K invi­tes all cine­ma lovers to a con­ver­sa­ti­on with direc­tor Iton­je Søi­mer Gut­torm­sen about her radi­cal approach to film­ma­king, her fea­ture film debut GRITT and the libe­ral pos­tu­ri­ng of the Scan­di­na­vi­an art world.

The trou­bled artist Gritt is strugg­ling for rele­van­ce and belon­ging in an unwel­co­ming socie­ty, but then she under­goes a radi­cal­iza­ti­on pro­cess in the name of art.

A free screee­ner of this intri­guing, sub­ver­sice dra­ma about the peri­ls of crea­ti­vi­ty will be available befo­re the dis­cuss­si­on. To get the link, plea­se cont­act hello@35‑ GRITT is also available on MUBI, in seve­ral count­ries.

Here’s the link to the event. We’­re loo­king for­ward to see­ing you!