FIlm­netz­werk: Cof­fee Club with EAVE (Euro­pean Audio­vi­su­al Entre­pre­neurs)

In August, Satu Elo (Depu­ty CEO & Mana­ger of the EAVE Pro­du­cers Work­shop) will pre­sent Euro­pean Audio­vi­su­al Entre­pre­neurs and the EAVE Pro­du­cers Work­shop at the Film­netz­werk Cof­fee Club.

Euro­pean Audio­vi­su­al Entre­pre­neurs (EAVE) is a pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning, pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment and net­wor­king orga­niza­ti­on for audio­vi­su­al pro­du­cers from dif­fe­rent regi­ons with focus on the Euro­pean Cine­ma Pro­duc­tion. Foun­ded in 1988, EAVE has been a major agent in impro­ving pro­duc­tion methods, encou­ra­ging coope­ra­ti­on across the world and buil­ding a net­work of acti­ve Euro­pean pro­du­cers and indus­try pro­fes­sio­nals.

EAVE Pro­du­cers Work­shop is a year long pro­gram­me for film pro­du­cers focu­sed on three inten­si­ve weeks fea­turing pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment through working on the deve­lo­p­ment of fic­tion, docu­men­ta­ry and TV series pro­jects. The trai­ning is aimed at pro­du­cers who are alre­a­dy working in the film and tele­vi­si­on indus­tries and wish to expand their ope­ra­ti­on inter­na­tio­nal­ly by incre­asing their know­ledge of pro­du­cing and co-pro­du­cing in Euro­pe and by buil­ding up a pan Euro­pean pro­fes­sio­nal net­work. Each year fif­ty par­ti­ci­pan­ts are sel­ec­ted from most of the EU count­ries and bey­ond and take part in three one-week long work­shops which will take place in March 2023 in Luxem­bourg, June 2023 in Alp­bach (AT) and Octo­ber 2023 in the Net­her­lands.

Befo­re the upco­ming appli­ca­ti­on dead­line for the EAVE Pro­du­cers Work­shop 2023 (August 29th), Satu Elo will give you an over­view of the acti­vi­ties of EAVE, tell you more about the Pro­du­cers Work­shop and ans­wer your ques­ti­ons.

The Cof­fee Club is an open for­mat for all pro­fes­sio­nal film­ma­kers and mem­bers of the film indus­try in Ber­lin. After the intro­duc­tion of our guests, you will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to ask ques­ti­ons, exch­an­ge ide­as and make new cont­acts.

If you’d like to par­ti­ci­pa­te, plea­se send us an email to info@​filmnetzwerk-​berlin.​de and we will send you the zoom link.