
The self-orga­ni­zed film school Film­ar­che is orga­ni­zing an inter­me­dia­te level work­shop about sound making/​design with Able­ton (in rela­ti­onship to moving images) with Boris Dons­koff.
It will take place on Satur­day 11th and Sun­day 12th of May, each day from 11 until 4pm.


Boris Dons­koff is a gui­ta­rist, mul­ti-instru­men­ta­list, com­po­ser, and impro­vi­ser. Gra­dua­ted with a Bachelor’s degree in Music Per­for­mance (clas­si­cal gui­tar) and a Master’s degree in Music Pedago­gy at the Musik Aka­de­mie Basel, they com­bi­ne solo per­for­man­ces, con­certs, tea­ching acti­vi­ty and com­po­si­ti­on as their main area of focus. They had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work on dif­fe­rent music fields, such as cham­ber music and orches­tra, free impro­vi­sa­ti­on, sound engi­nee­ring, elec­tro­nic music and film music . They col­la­bo­ra­ted with various artists, such as gra­phic desi­gners, wri­ters or film­ma­kers, for whom they pro­du­ce sound­tracks, and most­ly get their inspi­ra­ti­on in inter-disci­pli­na­ry art. They are recor­ding, com­po­sing and pro­du­cing music main­ly on Able­ton, with a self-taught approach.They have been living in a coll­ec­ti­ve and self-orga­ni­zed farm in France for two years now, based on peasant far­ming and food self-suf­fi­ci­en­cy, as well as small-sca­le pro­duc­tion for the nea­rest vil­la­ge.


The aim of this work­shop is to deepen your know­ledge of sound pro­ces­sing and the crea­ti­on of a sound­track from a video medi­um using Able­ton soft­ware. We’ll be working on the basics, but also on more advan­ced noti­ons, such as the use of exter­nal tools and various func­tions like auto­ma­ti­on, midi signal, oscil­la­tors and advan­ced effects. We’ll also look at com­po­si­tio­nal con­cepts, or how to approach sound crea­ti­on in a more glo­bal way. The requi­re­ments for this work­shop are:
‑a per­so­nal com­pu­ter
‑to have a valid licence for Able­ton soft­ware, or a valid tri­al licence
‑a pair of head­pho­nes or ear­pho­nes
‑Pos­si­bly an exter­nal acces­so­ry such as a midi key­board, con­trol­ler or other.

-The first part will deepen your gene­ral know­ledge of the soft­ware, by repea­ting and prac­ti­sing the basic noti­ons acqui­red in the pre­vious semi­nar, while enri­ching them.
‑The second part will deal with more advan­ced noti­ons, such as prac­ti­sing mul­ti-track auto­ma­ti­on, crea­ting wave­ta­bles and har­mo­nic loops with a midi signal, and final­ly using, crea­ting and fine-tuning various effects.
‑The third part will con­sist of prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es, sum­ma­ri­sing the con­cepts cover­ed during the semi­nar.


Link to regis­ter :https://​work​shops​.film​ar​che​.de/​e​v​e​n​t​/​1​1​0​5​2​4​_​a​b​l​e​ton
