Cas­ting Call ** Loo­king for Prot­ago­nist**

Hey the­re, film com­mu­ni­ty!

I’m on the loo­kout for a vibrant young woman (aged 23–30) to play Mar­gret in my short film, which is going to be a key part of my appli­ca­ti­on to Film Arche.
If you’­re inte­res­ted, plea­se send over a short show­re­el or simp­le intro­duc­tion video, along with a headshot and a full-body shot. Can’t wait to see your talent shi­ne!

Cha­rac­ter Descrip­ti­on:
Meet Mar­get – she’s caring but stub­born, always len­ding a hand but often for­get­ting about hers­elf. Ins­tead of com­plai­ning, she tri­es har­der to under­stand others, see­ing them as mir­rors of her own life.
She takes her Job as a Flo­rist in her home­town serious­ly – her face is eager and matu­re – even her work with the flowers in her shop seem over-eager, over-powerful , as if the blooms them­sel­ves are too small and easy for her ener­gy.
Though she belie­ves she’s embra­cing living in the pre­sent and on the sur­face appears con­tent, beneath lies a hid­den yet bur­ning desi­re for free­dom and authen­tic expres­si­on.

shoo­ting peri­od: Two days within the 19th-22th of May.

super exci­ted to meet each and ever­yo­ne of you!
Dani­ella Lyu­trov­ny
cont­act: daniellaleoniel@​icloud.​com
