*Crew Call* Short appli­ca­ti­on film

Hey the­re film­ma­kers!

Got a two-day shoot coming up for my appli­ca­ti­on short film on the 22nd and 23rd of May, and I have spots open for a varie­ty of crew posi­ti­ons. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, I’m on the loo­kout for a DoP and Sound. The film will be shot on a BMPCC 4K and max. 10min long.
Here’s what else we need:

- Light­ing assistant
– Sound assistant
– Came­ra assis­tance
– Set Design/​ Sze­no
– Con­ti­nui­ty Super­vi­sor
– Pro­duc­tion
– Set Run­ner /​ Dri­ver
– Hair & Make­up Sty­list
– Cos­tu­me Desi­gner
– Film Com­po­ser
– (Co-)Editor
– Data wrang­ler (DIT)

Crea­ting a wel­co­ming space is key for me, so I’m espe­ci­al­ly keen on having women, que­er indi­vi­du­als, and anyo­ne pas­sio­na­te about film­ma­king join us. Rest assu­red, the­re will be food and refresh­ments pro­vi­ded on set to keep us ener­gi­zed and focu­sed throug­hout the shoot!
Though we’­re working on a tight bud­get, I pro­mi­se it’ll be a rewar­ding expe­ri­ence whe­re your crea­ti­vi­ty can tru­ly shi­ne. If you’­re up for it, shoot me a mes­sa­ge with a bit about yours­elf, and let’s con­nect!


Cont­act: daniellaleoniel@​icloud.​com
