Loo­king for a French-spea­king Edi­tor for a Short Film

Hel­lo! I’m loo­king for a French spea­king edi­tor to edit my short film. It’s a Sci-Fi/­Dra­ma that has been shot in the French lan­guage. I have alre­a­dy made a rough cut but I need help with sha­ping it and impro­ving it. I would have done it mys­elf but I don’t have the time becau­se I’m doing com­mer­cial pro­jects that pay the bills. I real­ly need help finis­hing this sin­ce this is a pas­si­on pro­ject. It’s paid but not a lot sin­ce I fun­ded it with my own savings. But it’s qua­li­ty foo­ta­ge, shot on a gre­at loca­ti­on with real­ly good actors, so it would be real­ly good for your port­fo­lio. If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se mail me your pro­fi­le at prajwalshiv212@​gmail.​com.

Thank you and loo­king for­ward to see­ing your work!
