*Cas­ting Call: Fema­le prot­ago­nist – hor­ror short film*

We are loo­king for a fema­le prot­ago­nist for our hor­ror short film with the fol­lo­wing pro­fi­le:
– Age: 20–27
– Lan­guage: flu­ent in Eng­lish
– Based: Ber­lin or sur­roun­dings
– Avai­la­bi­li­ty: for crowd­fun­ding cam­paign mate­ri­als (1/​2 day in Aug. or Sep. 2024) and shoo­ting (2 to 3 days in March 2025). Exact dates TBA.

About the short film:
The film explo­res the fear of not being good enough and the strugg­le of lis­tening to our inner voice. We aim to depict how the prot­ago­nist expe­ri­en­ces this in a very sus­pen­seful way through a cura­ted pho­to­gra­phy based on high-con­trast light­ing, under the mot­to “Fear is born from dark­ness”. The unseen is to prompt the viewer’s ima­gi­na­ti­on.

Log­li­ne: „A young woman who dreams of beco­ming a hor­ror wri­ter buys an old type­wri­ter to pur­sue her pas­si­on. Soon, howe­ver, she rea­li­zes that wri­ting comes with more chal­lenges than she had expec­ted.“
Gen­re: hor­ror
Dura­ti­on: 10 min approx. (prot­ago­nist will get ple­nty of screen time)

About us:
We are a young team com­po­sed of film and TV stu­dents at dif­fe­rent insti­tu­ti­ons based in Ber­lin. We are a diver­se team with dif­fe­rent natio­na­li­ties and big fema­le repre­sen­ta­ti­on. But spe­ci­al­ly, we are a moti­va­ted team, loo­king for­ward to pro­du­cing a high-qua­li­ty film and having some fun in doing so!

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, for the moment we are a no-bud­get pro­ject, and we will not be able to offer a paid role. Howe­ver, the short film will be pro­mo­ted and sent to fes­ti­vals inter­na­tio­nal­ly!

If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se let us know via email at voices.​film@​web.​de until the 15th of July. We are loo­king for­ward to your port­fo­li­os! We plan a cas­ting mee­ting in the begin­ning of August 2024. Feel free to cont­act us if you have any addi­tio­nal ques­ti­ons.

Your “Voices” team
