Music producer/​​film com­po­ser loo­king for col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons

Hey the­re,

I’m offe­ring my skills as music pro­du­cer and film com­po­ser. I alre­a­dy scored some short films and one fea­ture film (you can find the links below).

About me:

I stu­di­ed music pro­duc­tion at the Ber­lin School of Popu­lar Arts (SOPA) and suc­cessful­ly finis­hed my Bache­lor degree in music pro­duc­tion. My main instru­ment is the pia­no, but I also play gui­tar, drums and sing. I‘m a mem­ber of two bands and play­ed at a few fes­ti­vals alre­a­dy. In addi­ti­on to play­ing instru­ments, I work as a free­lan­cer and com­po­se, arran­ge and pro­du­ce a lot of music in all gen­res and I also used to work as a DJ in clubs. I have a broad know­ledge of music theo­ry and I also wri­te leadsheets for „The Voice of Ger­ma­ny” – a ger­man TV-Show. I use the fol­lo­wing soft­ware: Logic Pro, Able­ton Live, Sibe­l­i­us, Trak­tor Scratch Pro. I also teach pia­no, gui­tar and music pro­duc­tion for more than 10 years now.

As a refe­rence, here are two links with some of my cur­rent up-to-date work:

https://​linktr​.ee/​y​a​n​n​i​k​_​neu (my work as a film com­po­ser)
https://​linktr​.ee/​w​h​y​e​n​_​m​u​sic (my work as an artist; pseud­onym “Why­en”)

(I also have a few more (film) pro­jects, which aren’t finis­hed or haven’t been released yet.)

I’m loo­king for­ward to hea­ring from you, thank you in advan­ce and wish you a nice day!

Yan­nik Neu
