Loo­king for 1. and 2. AC for a short movie

Hi ever­y­bo­dy!

We are shoo­ting a short psy­cho­lo­gi­cal dra­ma in Ber­lin Wen­si­cken­dorf End of July! We are still loo­king for some crew mem­bers. I still need a 1. And 2. AC. I am shoo­ting on the Black Magic URSA Mini Pro 4.6K with High Speed Sig­ma Cine Len­ses.

Shoo­ting days: 24th-28th of July
Gen­re: dark psy­cho­lo­gi­cal dra­ma

Longli­ne: When Lou lear­ns about her mother’s despe­ra­te con­di­ti­on, she batt­les her demons to reach her child­hood home. She embarks on a sur­re­al jour­ney hap­pe­ning insi­de of her, facing her big­gest fears.

If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se cont­act me at: lilikrasteva.​film@​gmail.​com

You can talk to me in Ger­man, Eng­lish and Bul­ga­ri­an.

Insta­gram: lou_​movie
Insta­gram: lilikrasteva_​cinematography
