NEED Pro­du­cer

Dear Film­ma­kers,

I am loo­king for a pro­du­cer who can help me app­ly for fun­ding and wri­te to spon­sors to pro­du­ce a short dance film that tack­les the topic of Endo­me­trio­sis. I alre­a­dy have a strong fema­le DOP on board and a dancer who also suf­fers from the dise­a­se. The­re is one fun­ding oppor­tu­ni­ty we can app­ly for, and three poten­ti­al Endo pro­ducts spon­sors who might be inte­res­ted in sup­port­ing the pro­ject. The shoo­ting loca­ti­on will be eit­her in the UK or Ger­ma­ny.

Lenght: 5 min

This sto­ry fol­lows a modern woman navi­ga­ting her day to day roti­ne, sud­den­ly hal­ted by cripp­ling cramps, whe­ther in a super­mar­ket or on the street. She screams, she moans. But no one passt atten­ti­on. Yet then, other women gra­du­al­ly begin to mimic her pain-indu­ced move­ments and moa­ning, dra­wing atten­ti­on to her con­di­ti­on.

This crea­tes a domi­no effect that even­tual­ly forces all bystan­ders of all gen­der to dance tog­e­ther, forming a wave that helps our prot­ago­nist move for­ward and con­ti­nue her day.

This chain reac­tion brings the invi­si­ble ill­ness to light. Here, dance is more than per­for­mance; it’s a meta­phor. The tone of the film is come­dic, wierd and absurd.

com­mu­ni­ty, sup­port, sis­ter­hood, iro­ny, absur­di­ty, socie­ty.

I am curr­ent­ly in touch with „The Movers“ who is inte­res­ted to sup­port the pro­ject.

Wri­te me and lets have a Chat and see how can we bring this pro­ject to live!

Best regards,
