Loo­king for a COLORIST – short film aiming for Ber­li­na­le

Loo­king for an expe­ri­en­ced colo­rist for a short film that we will be app­ly­ing to Ber­li­na­le Shorts 2025.

Here is a sam­ple of the foo­ta­ge you would be working with: https://​you​tu​.be/​1​J​s​6​2​z​t​T​Xek

And here is the script if you’d like to read the sto­ry in depth: https://​mega​.nz/​f​i​l​e​/​A​W​s​m​V​B​T​L​#​O​l​S​s​_​D​P​s​O​s​5​7​A​P​4​T​u​a​d​o​1​g​f​Q​0​P​b​5​H​z​-​P​A​q​g​8​p​x​z​e​330

It is a no-bud­get pro­duc­tion, but I’d be wil­ling to pay a sym­bo­lic com­pen­sa­ti­on of 20 euros for this job. I know it’s not much, but it’s what I can offer for now. Big­ger pro­jects will come in the future. The short film will have an esti­ma­ted final length of 15 minu­tes and includes appro­xi­m­ate­ly 12 dif­fe­rent set­tings, some indoors and some out­doors.

If you can’t do all the work for that money but still could part of the work and gui­de us in the right direc­tion, I would do the rest mys­elf as I have color gra­ded all my short films (21 up to date).

At the moment, an expe­ri­en­ced edi­tor has star­ted cut­ting. We also have a top sound desi­gner in place who will be start­ing soon.

About me:

I’m Wil­fre­do, 31. I wro­te, direc­ted, and edi­ted 21 short films in a year. You can watch seve­ral of them here: https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​p​l​a​y​l​i​s​t​?​l​i​s​t​=​P​L​m​T​8​0​T​_​P​4​e​J​Z​v​_​n​7​V​B​Q​z​n​-​a​G​Z​Z​j​Z​7​_​wxE

One of them was scree­ned at Inter­film 2023, which hel­ped the crew secu­re seve­ral jobs: https://www.interfilm.de/interfilm-festival-2023/filmsuche/?tx_interfilmfestival_filmlist%5BeventItem%5D=2627&cHash=fc313cc06c5794abd605c18a74f5770f
