Job Oppor­tu­ni­ty for Stu­dents: Beco­me a Free­lan­ce Movie Ambassa­dor and Get Paid Today!

Are you pas­sio­na­te about making a dif­fe­rence and advo­ca­ting for social jus­ti­ce? Join our team as a Movie Ambassa­dor and play a vital role in rai­sing awa­re­ness about cri­ti­cal glo­bal issues such as child labor, cli­ma­te chan­ge, and explo­ita­ti­on.
What You’ll Do:
Enga­ge with stu­dent orga­niza­ti­ons, fra­ter­ni­ties, soro­ri­ties, and school admi­nis­tra­tors to pro­mo­te the cau­se.
Part­ner with school or local radio sta­ti­ons to spread the mes­sa­ge.
Inspi­re fel­low stu­dents to join the move­ment and make an impact.
What You’ll Be Fight­ing For:
Res­cuing child­ren trap­ped in cobalt mines that fuel smart­phones, lap­tops, and elec­tric cars.
Ending child explo­ita­ti­on in cacao farms, which sup­p­ly 70% of the world’s cho­co­la­te for brands like Hers­hey, Mars, and Fer­re­ro.
Stop­ping child labor in the deep south, pro­tec­ting their rights and futures.
About Us:
We are inde­pen­dent film­ma­kers at DN Enter­tain­ment, a for-pro­fit art and enter­tain­ment com­pa­ny dedi­ca­ted to using the arts to shi­ne a light on pres­sing social issues. Our debut para­nor­mal dra­ma film explo­res the­mes of child labor, cli­ma­te chan­ge, and deep-sea mining, offe­ring a cine­ma­tic lens into huma­ni­ta­ri­an cri­ses.
As part of our mis­si­on, we actively col­la­bo­ra­te across diver­se artis­tic disci­pli­nes to ampli­fy cri­ti­cal social issues through crea­ti­ve expres­si­on. For ins­tance, last June, we part­ne­red with talen­ted pain­ters to cura­te the Mamiwata’s Cobalt Collection—a powerful art series high­light­ing the human and envi­ron­men­tal cost of resour­ce explo­ita­ti­on. You can visit the exhi­bi­ti­on here: https://​assets​.art​pla​cer​.com/​v​i​r​t​u​a​l​-​e​x​h​i​b​i​t​i​o​n​s​/​?​i​=​1​6​713
Why Does This Mat­ter? The Child­ren
Did you know that 70% of the world’s cacao and 60% of its cobalt—essential for tech­no­lo­gy and elec­tric vehicles—come from Afri­ca? Behind the­se indus­tries lies the explo­ita­ti­on of mil­li­ons of child­ren forced into labor, rob­bed of edu­ca­ti­on, and denied their child­hoods.
The­se are the reasons behind our deter­mi­na­ti­on to crea­te this film. Our ulti­ma­te goal? To rai­se awa­re­ness and res­cue the 44,000 child­ren trap­ped in Congo’s cobalt mines.
To learn more about this glo­bal cri­sis, check out this short video:


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Join Us:
If you care about social jus­ti­ce and children’s rights, we need your voice on our team! Tog­e­ther, we can inspi­re chan­ge and crea­te a bet­ter future.
How to App­ly:
Email us at contact@​mamiwatafilm.​com with the sub­ject line: Movie Ambassa­dor.
Thank you for taking a stand and joi­ning this important move­ment.
