Ses­si­on 2: Adap­ting IPs and Crea­ting Max­t­on Hall

We’re thril­led to kick off the new year with three exci­ting ses­si­ons of TALK TO A SERIAL EYE! This online talk for­mat brings you con­ver­sa­ti­ons with our accom­plished alum­ni (by now suc­cessful indus­try mem­bers) and some of our incre­di­ble tea­chers of the Seri­al Eyes Facul­ty, both hos­ted by our Head of Stu­dies Kat­rin Mer­kel. Don’t miss the­se oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn, enga­ge, and be inspi­red by the expe­ri­en­ces of our excep­tio­nal spea­k­ers. Mark your calen­dars and secu­re your spot now!

Time: 5:00 PM (CET)
Dura­ti­on: 50 minu­te talk, fol­lo­wed by 10-minu­te Q&A
Guests: Mar­le­ne Mel­chi­or, Seri­al Eyes Alum­na Sea­son 7 (class 2019), Wri­ter for MAXTON HALL and Ben Har­ris, Seri­al Eyes core tutor, Wri­ter & Pro­du­cer

What to expect:
- Adap­ting the Novel: Explo­re the chal­lenges and crea­ti­ve approa­ches Mar­le­ne and the team took in adap­ting the ori­gi­nal novel IP for the screen, balan­cing faithful­ness to the source mate­ri­al with the demands of main­stream tele­vi­si­on sto­rytel­ling.
- Roman­tic Ten­si­on: How Marlene´s exper­ti­se in craf­ting romance-dri­ven nar­ra­ti­ves ensu­red that the key ele­ments of Max­t­on Hall were effec­tively trans­la­ted from page to screen.
- Women in Wri­ting: Insights into the uni­que dyna­mics of working with a pre­do­mi­nant­ly fema­le wri­ting and exe­cu­ti­ve team
- Work­flow and Struc­tu­re: A behind-the-sce­nes look at the wri­ting pro­cess she was part of, inclu­ding the crea­ti­on of beat boards

This ses­si­on is a must-attend for anyo­ne curious about adap­ting exis­ting mate­ri­al into a world­wi­de hit series or lear­ning about IP-dri­ven sto­rytel­ling. Gain valuable know­ledge from two expe­ri­en­ced indus­try experts who know how to make sto­ries reso­na­te.