If you also face men­tal health chal­lenges, click on this to sup­port our rese­arch to help other stu­dents.

We are Aid­van­ce, a start-up from TU Ber­lin.

Many of us face chal­lenges in our stu­dies and per­so­nal lives that impact our men­tal well-being. Long-term sup­port for the­se chal­lenges is still dif­fi­cult to find. We are deve­lo­ping beha­vi­oral the­ra­py soft­ware desi­gned to sup­port stu­dents in their dai­ly lives. Your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in this short sur­vey would great­ly help us crea­te the best pos­si­ble solu­ti­on to assist stu­dents during tough times.


Thanks alot!
