Cas­ting Call: 5 que­er actors* for short no-bud­­get film about que­er fri­end­ship

We are loo­king for 5 que­er actors* in their twen­ties for our stu­dent short-fic­tion film about que­er fri­end­ship set in Ber­lin. The script is in Eng­lish so inter­na­tio­nals are encou­ra­ged to app­ly!
Shoo­ting will take place in Ber­lin at the end of May 2025 but will take mul­ti­ple weekends sin­ce we want to crea­te a nice atmo­sphe­re.
The cha­rac­ters each have a descrip­ti­on but their back­ground sto­ries and gen­der iden­ti­ties are not fixed. We want to work with you on deve­lo­ping them and incor­po­ra­te your iden­ti­ty and expe­ri­en­ces within the cha­rac­ters.

Sign up for audi­tions until the 06.03. here:

We’­re exci­ted to meet you!
Vee & Assa
