about me’s full/​​portrait Slots free :)

Hel­lo film peo­p­le, I want to update my post about the „about me’s“ – I can­not do too many of them at a time, so I won’t be doing any more until end of July. Thank you to ever­yo­ne inte­res­ted! Howe­ver, I still have por­trait slots available for actors and other crea­ti­ve peo­p­le. I have a beau­tiful stu­dio, a lot of expe­ri­ence and a Mas­ter of Fine Arts – and my pri­ces are still afforda­ble. Plea­se send me a mes­sa­ge to find out more. I am loo­king for­ward to working with you, if it’s a match – ger­man or eng­lish. 🙂

