Anspiel­part­ner Eng­li­sches Demo

Anspiel­part­ner Show­re­el­sze­ne gesucht | Ber­lin | No Bud­get: loo­king for a Bri­tish actor for a show­re­el pro­duc­tion | 20–35 years, male

Hey the­re! I am curr­ent­ly loo­king for a Ber­lin based Bri­tish actor (or someone who is flu­ent in Bri­tish Eng­lish) to help me film a sce­ne for my Eng­lish show­re­el! Unfort­u­na­te­ly I don’t have bud­get for this, but always exci­ted to con­nect with other crea­ti­ves!

Shoo­ting details: one day in Ber­lin or Pots­dam, Janu­ary 2025

my pro­fi­le: https://​www​.film​ma​kers​.eu/​d​e​/​a​c​t​o​r​s​/​f​a​n​n​i​-​s​c​h​n​e​i​der

If inte­res­ted, drop me a mes­sa­ge via contact@​fannischneider.​com 🙂
