Autor: Schwarzes Brett

Ciao, TV! Lang‘ mach ich’s nicht mehr – Come­dy & Kaba­rett Mar­ti­na Beils

Ciao, TV! Lang‘ mach ich’s nicht mehr – Come­dy & Kaba­rett von Mar­ti­na Beils im Janu­ar und Febru­ar in BERLIN

Mar­ti­na macht seit 20 Jah­ren „was mit Medi­en“. Frü­her war das voll cool, heu­te ist ihr Job beim Pri­vat­fern­se­hen bloß noch kopf­be­schüt­tel­tes Pein­lo-Zeug. Nun wird Mar­ti­na 40 und steckt in der Kri­se.
Dar­um mutiert sie von der bra­ven Büro­stuhl-Hüte­rin zur Domi­na der Arbeits­welt!
In pin­ken High Heels zün­det sie ein emo­tio­na­les Feu­er­werk.
Sie erle­ben absur­de Anek­do­ten zwi­schen Nost­al­gie und Arbeits­frust. Es geht um mäkeln­de Mode­ra­to­ren, Zuschau­er-Safa­ris, Babes, Babes, Babes und Hit­ler.

Ein mit­rei­ßen­des Pro­gramm mit Bli­cken in die schat­ti­gen Kulis­sen des Fern­seh­ge­schäfts. Ide­al für alle, die über­haupt noch wis­sen, was Fern­se­hen ist und für die­je­ni­gen, die den täg­li­chen Quoten‑K®ampf viel zu gut ken­nen.

Mar­ti­na Beils war mit ihrem 1. Solo­pro­gramm „Lang mach ich’s nicht mehr“ 2024 für den frän­ki­schen Kaba­rett­preis nomi­niert.

JETZT TERMINE in Ber­lin bei den https://​kaba​rett​-chi​li​scho​ten​.de

Sonn­tag, 19. Janu­ar, Beginn 15 Uhr
Don­ners­tag, 06. Febru­ar, Beginn 18 Uhr
Frei­tag, 21. Febru­ar, Beginn 18 Uhr

wei­te­re Infos unter https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/​m​a​r​t​i​n​a​b​e​i​ls/


Sound Desi­gner & Com­po­ser for line­ar & inter­ac­ti­ve media

I am a Free­lan­ce Sound Desi­gner and Com­po­ser based in Ber­lin. My works include immersi­ve and emo­ti­ve audio for line­ar and inter­ac­ti­ve media, muse­ums and theat­re. I have a back­grund in audio engi­nee­ring and a knack for mul­tich­an­nel sys­tems. Crea­ting and sha­ping novel worlds through sound is what I aspi­re – eit­her in harm­o­ny with other forms of media or through sound and music on its own. You can find sel­ec­ted works in my port­fo­lio here: https://​www​.cfe​ess​.com/​p​o​r​t​f​o​l​i​o​.​h​tml

I’m on the con­stant loo­kout for inte­res­t­ing pro­jects. If you have one and you think the­re might that I’d be a fit or sim­ply want to chat about it, I’d be more than hap­py to.


GAFFER hap­py to col­la­bo­ra­te

I’m Mau­rycy, direc­ting stu­dent from the third year;)
I’m loo­king for col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons with movies that have allo­ca­ted bud­get for lights. As much as I like set­ting up lights on set, I am very much inte­res­ted in crea­ting light plans and devi­sing looks with cine­ma­to­graph­ers and direc­tors. I belie­ve lights have a mas­si­ve sto­rytel­ling poten­ti­al and deser­ve to be bour­geo­ning at the stage of pre­pro­duc­tion. Don’t hesi­ta­te to reach out to me, here is my port­fo­lio:

Kli­cken Sie auf den unte­ren But­ton, um den Inhalt von pic​tures​.polew​ski​.pl zu laden.

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Für unse­ren Sci­ence Fic­tion Kurz­film suchen wir noch einen Kame­ra­mann.

Bei Inter­es­se schreibt mir ger­ne eine Email mit (falls vor­han­den) Video­ma­te­ri­al. 🙂

Email: celine.​grosspietsch25sartre-​gymnasium@​outlook.​de

~ Celi­ne Groß­pietsch



Für unse­ren Sci­ence Fic­tion Kurz­film, suchen wir noch eine/​n Ton­meis­te­rIn.

Bei Inter­es­se schrei­be mir ger­ne eine Email mit (falls vor­han­den) bereits gedreh­ten Fil­men. 🙂

Email: celine.​grosspietsch25sartre-​gymnasium@​outlook.​de

~ Celi­ne Groß­pietsch


Loo­king for an actor (male /​​ 35–45years)

A sen­si­ti­ve fami­ly dra­ma about love, loss and the chal­lenges of aging. A one sce­ne short film
Eddie, a quiet and dutiful man, strug­gles with the emo­tio­nal and prac­ti­cal bur­dens of caring for his mother Dia­ne, who suf­fers from demen­tia. Their dai­ly misun­derstan­dings and the gra­du­al loss of Dia­nes shared memo­ries with Eddie rai­se the ques­ti­on of how to let go of your loved ones wit­hout giving up on them. In haun­ting and heart­brea­king moments, it beco­mes clear that true strength often lies in accep­tance – and in love that needs no words.
We are a team of young and ambi­tious film­ma­kers, who would like to enrich their port­fo­lio with a thril­ling and chal­len­ging short film.
The sce­ne will be sub­mit­ted for appli­ca­ti­ons to various film schools and after posi­ti­ve feed­back also to fes­ti­vals.
The descri­bed role of the son is a very deman­ding one, as many dif­fe­rent emo­ti­ons such as grief, com­pas­si­on and des­pair are to be por­tray­ed using few direct words.
The script is curr­ent­ly being trans­la­ted from Ger­man to Eng­lish, as the film is to be shot in Eng­lish and the team behind it is also quite mul­ti­l­in­gu­al.
If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se send a short intro­duc­tion of yours­elf by email to jakob-​bremer@​outlook.​de


for poli­ti­cal short film : sear­ching for 1.AC and sound recor­dist

For a short film I am direc­ting as part of my stu­dies at UdK about the dan­gers of sur­veil­lan­ce sys­tems, I’m curr­ent­ly sear­ching for a 1.AC and sound recor­dist.
The pro­ject resol­ves around the des­truc­tion of CCTV came­ras and resis­tance against the sys­tem. The plot fol­lows a young punk who sets hims­elf the goal of des­troy­ing the sur­veil­lan­ce sys­tem sin­gle-han­dedly. Alt­hough the film con­ta­ins very nar­ra­ti­ve ele­ments, the film will be of very expe­ri­men­tal natu­re. The­re I not going to be a lot of dia­log and the plot most­ly focus­ses on his inner expe­ri­ence fol­lo­wing the des­truc­tion and mania. The shoot will hap­pen some time bet­ween the 20th and 26th.
Plea­se send me hints etc. via tiwo.​dannenberg@​gmail.​com

Tiwo Dan­nen­berg



Cas­ting-Auf­ruf für den Kurz­film „Otto“

Pro­jekt: Stu­den­ti­scher Kurz­film
Ort: Ber­lin
Zeit­raum: 4–6 Dreh­ta­ge am Ende Janu­ar


Mut­ter: Weib­lich, 50–60, kon­trol­lie­rend und inten­siv.

Otto: Männ­lich, 21–25, nai­ve, inno­zenz.
Bit­te sen­den Sie ein Foto, Ihren Lebens­lauf (falls vor­han­den) und eine kur­ze Vor­stel­lung an capturedbynatb@​gmail.​com oder an @__otto_s42
Lie­be Grü­ße,
Nata­lia Bau­er.


loo­king for SOUND: 14.12.

URGENTLY loo­king for a Sound per­son for 14.12., 15.12. (and pos­si­bly 16.+17.12.) but even being the­re on just the 14. would help a lot!

Ever­y­day mis­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, shaped by the assi­gned gen­der roles. The absur­di­ty and sil­li­ne­ss of the stark divi­de bet­ween us, of how we see and look, feel and think. Whist­le­b­lower puts this to the screen as a night at the bar goes south and a group of fri­ends have to rea­li­ze that not all cats are grey in the dark.

As we’­re a stu­dent pro­duc­tion, we won’t be able to offer you any pay. But we do have lots of food, fun snacks and cof­fee.
