CALL for a pro­du­cer in ‚Can­ni­ba­lism‘ stu­dent short film (shoo­ting on 6th-10th June)

Dear DFFB pro­duc­tion stu­dent,

this is Wang­chao (Luna), from MA Direc­ting Met­film (Ber­lin). I am sche­du­led to shoot my gra­dua­ti­on pro­ject on 6th- 10th June.
the title as you seen, ‚Can­ni­ba­lism‘ is a meta­phor of ‚Eating‘ other human men­tal­ly and phy­si­cal­ly under the cover of ‚LOVE‘ in today’s civi­li­sed socie­ty, it is inspi­red by a real event.

As I came from a Fine Art back­ground, and stu­dy­ing Direc­ting, I would like to com­bi­ne Nar­ra­ti­ve sto­rytel­ling with artist, and expe­ri­men­tal forms as sur­rea­li­stic against the rea­li­ty. If anyo­ne has inte­rest in being part of this pro­ject and taking the role of pro­du­cer, I would real­ly app­re­cia­te that. Defi­ni­te­ly, you will get paid with a sym­bo­lic amount, it’s nego­tia­ble.

I would real­ly love to work with crea­ti­ve and pro­fes­sio­nal peo­p­le to achie­ve as good as pos­si­ble for my final work in school.

Plea­se cont­act me through email.

