Cas­ting call for a dark comedy/​​mockumentary – aiming for Ber­li­na­le

I am start­ing to cast for my upco­ming short film cal­led ‚The last day in the life of the man who died‘. It will be film­ed in dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons in June 22nd and 23rd in Ber­lin. To app­ly, plea­se send a brief note with your reel to inbox@​wilfredocasas.​com or Whats­App +4915781295360.

Also, here you will find 3 excerp­ts of the script – https://​mega​.nz/​f​i​l​e​/​N​X​U​E​W​B​Y​Q​#​j​o​S​e​T​e​X​I​0​w​D​6​z​1​T​k​g​m​H​v​6​w​f​D​j​7​Y​0​g​1​V​I​J​a​a​z​y​L​m​n​GD4

Cas­ting Details:

Main roles:

Herr Strog­go­nov: Herr Strog­go­nov is a 50-year-old man with a thick Ger­man accent, white, chub­by, and a nai­ve out­look. He works at a flower fac­to­ry, and does not rea­li­se of his col­le­agues try­ing to kill him. He has a repres­sed dark side and never gets upset.
Secon­da­ry roles:

Pau­li: Stroggonov’s wife, she appears in one sce­ne to pick up their kids and deli­ver a few lines.
Kids: Stroggonov’s child­ren, who appear in one sce­ne.
Male Porn Actors: 2 hand­so­me and well built men. Their sce­ne invol­ves sen­su­al kis­sing, par­ti­al nudi­ty and simu­la­ted sce­nes but no real sexu­al acts.
Jonas mother: we can only hear her voice during a call she has with Jonas, she has an ame­ri­can accent. She is a loving mom, her son is all she has.
Ger­ty: a seni­or Ger­man man (+50) and Stroggonov’s favo­ri­te neigh­bour. He can’t speak Eng­lish so all his lines are in Ger­man. He appears in one sin­gle sce­ne. He is a hap­py and avera­ge Ger­man old man.
The film is no bud­get. A sym­bo­lic com­pen­sa­ti­on of 30 euros is offe­red for the role of Herr Strog­go­nov, 20 euros for each of the secon­da­ry roles and 10 euros for each of the child­ren.

Good and nut­ri­tio­nal home­ma­de food will be pro­vi­ded.

About the film­ma­ker:

My name is Wil­fre­do, 31 years old and from Peru. I wro­te, orga­nis­ed and direc­ted 21 short films in a year with no school or pre­vious expe­ri­ence. You can find them here: https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​p​l​a​y​l​i​s​t​?​l​i​s​t​=​P​L​m​T​8​0​T​_​P​4​e​J​Z​v​_​n​7​V​B​Q​z​n​-​a​G​Z​Z​j​Z​7​_​wxE

One of them was scree­ned at Inter­film 2023, which hel­ped all the actors jump­start their care­er:

This one will be at least as good as the best of them. I am aiming for Ber­li­na­le this time.
