Colo­rist in Ber­lin /​​ Color Gra­ding

Dear film­ma­kers,

I am a Digi­tal Colo­rist working in Ber­lin and remo­te sin­ce 10 years for fea­ture film, docu­men­ta­ry, art exhi­bi­ti­ons and adver­ti­se­ment. My films as a colo­rist have been shown in all the major fes­ti­vals (TIFF, Ber­li­na­le, Venice Bien­na­le, Locar­no …). I have also gra­ded seve­ral DFFB films in the past years and I hope to con­ti­nue to do so.

You’­re wel­co­me to reach out at any time with your film (short or fea­ture length).
