Crea­ting A Music/​​Album Film


I’m Thijs, a 20 year old stu­dent from The Net­her­lands and I have writ­ten a con­cept album about a cha­rac­ter (Cyros) who tra­vels back in time from the year 2115 to save the world from cli­ma­te chan­ge. The album will be one sin­gle sto­ry­line, from begin­ning to end, whe­re he tra­vels to nor­t­hern ice and sou­thern sand, in order to suc­ceed in his quest. The album is incre­di­bly visu­al and I would love to crea­te a film about it (low bud­get) , or at least some music video’s. If you are loo­king to gain more expe­ri­ence with filming/​editing and wri­ting, don’t hesi­ta­te to reach out! I’ll put a link to one of my songs below.


insta­gram: cyros­jour­ney
e‑mail: thijsveldhuis04@​gmail.​com
strea­ming plat­forms: Cyros’ Jour­ney

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