This year—like previous years—several DFFB films will screen at the 53rd International Hof Film Festival, one of the oldest and most important film festivals in Germany:
1986 (Dir./Script: Lothar Herzog, Cinematography: Philipp Baben der Erbe, Prod.: Romana Janik, Benny Drechsel) will screen in the feature film competition section. 1986 won the NO FEAR Award at First Steps and celebrated its world premiere at the 15th Zurich Film Festival.
Chichinette — How I Accidentally Became a Spy (Dir./Script: Nicola Alice Hens, Prod.: Amos Geva), which just won the Special Mention Award at the 35th HAIFA International Film Festival, will screen in the documentary competition section.
Both films will celebrate their German premiere at the festival.
Four short films from the DFFB will also be presented:
CHAOS (Dir./Script/Prod.: Samuel Auer, Cinematography: Lukas Eylandt)
FREISCHWIMMER (Dir.: Gaya von Schwarze, Script: Mirko Rachor, Gaya von Schwarze, Josephine Oleak, Cinematography: Raban Jakob Friedrich, Prod.: Ibrahim-Utku Erdogan, Leonie Schäfer)
NIGHTFALL (Dir./Script: Josefine Scheffler, Prod.: Grischa Sautter)
REVOLVO (Dir./Script: Francy Fabritz, Cinematography: Antonia Lange, Prod.: Sara Fazilat).
And our alumni will be present at the festival too: Connie Walther with her film DIE RÜDEN. Der Film, Florian Aigner with ImNiemandsland, and Jan Speckenbach with A.N.N.A.
We wish everyone a successful screening. Enjoy the exciting discussions, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for the award ceremony!