UP.GRADE involved with 25 films screen­ing at this year’s Berli­nale

UP.GRADE has always been close to the Berli­nale and peo­ple often ask if they can watch projects grad­ed by UP.GRADERs at the fes­ti­val.

So it’s our plea­sure to share with you a list of films grad­ed by UP.GRADERs that are play­ing this year — as well as all the films grad­ed (and even edit­ed) by our ter­rif­ic UP.GRADE lec­tur­ers!


Films grad­ed by UP.GRADERs

Sys­tem Crash­er
grad­ed by Petra Lis­son (2016–2017 UP.GRADER)
run­ning in main com­pe­ti­tion

It could have been worse
grad­ed by Kai Klassen (2015–2016 UP.GRADER)

“My Grand­pa is an Alien”
grad­ed by Fran Sokolić (2015–2016 UP.GRADER)

grad­ed by Mag­da Nizel (2016–2017 UP.GRADER)

grad­ed by Artem Stre­tovich (2016–2017 UP.GRADER)

“I often think of Hawaii”, 1978
re-grad­ed/­mas­tered by Ana Maria Ormaza (2018–2019 UP.GRADER)


Colour assis­tance by UP.GRADERs

colour assist/​ACES work­flow super­vi­sion by Fran Sokolić (2015–2016 UP.GRADER)

colour assist/​ACES work­flow super­vi­sion by Fran Sokolić (2015–2016 UP.GRADER)
Euro­pean Film Mar­ket

“The Diary of Diana B.”
colour assist/​ACES work­flow super­vi­sion by Fran Sokolić (2015–2016 UP.GRADER)
Euro­pean Film Mar­ket


Films grad­ed by UP.GRADE staff

grad­ed by Dirk Meier (Head of pro­gramme)

“I was home, but”
grad­ed by Dirk Meier (Head of pro­gramme)
run­ning in main com­pe­ti­tion

“The Last to see Them”
grad­ed by Edmond Lac­con (Joint Head of Pro­gramme)


Films grad­ed by UP.GRADE lec­tur­ers

“The Bicy­cle”
graded/​restored by Chris­tine Hiam (lec­tures on Grad­ing)

graded/​restored by Chris­tine Hiam (lec­tures on Grad­ing)

“Easy Love”
grad­ed by Felix Hüsken (lec­tures on Resolve, ACES, Cal­i­bra­tion)

“Search­ing Eva”
grad­ed by Felix Hüsken (lec­tures on Resolve, ACES, Cal­i­bra­tion)

grad­ed by Lau­rens Orij (lec­tures on Colour sci­ence and Grad­ing)

“O Beau­ti­ful Night”
grad­ed by Philipp Orgas­sa (ARRI music video chal­lenge)

“The Pit”
grad­ed by Tobias Schaarschmidt (lec­tures on Cal­i­bra­tion and ACES)

grad­ed by Fabi­ana Cardal­da (lec­ture on HDR grad­ing, case study)

Progress in the Val­ley of the Peo­ple Who Don’t Know
grad­ed by Fabi­ana Cardal­da (lec­ture on HDR grad­ing, case study)

grad­ed by Fabi­ana Cardal­da (lec­ture on HDR grad­ing, case study)

Armed Lul­la­by
grad­ed by Fabi­ana Cardal­da (lec­ture on HDR grad­ing, case study)


Films edit­ed by UP.GRADE lec­tur­ers

“A Tale of Three Sis­ters”
edit­ed by Cicek Kahra­man (lec­tures on Film Gram­mar)
run­ning in main com­pe­ti­tion