DFFB goes Berli­nale

The DFFB presents a com­pre­hen­sive pro­gramme dur­ing this year’s 69th Berlin Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val (Feb­ru­ary 7–17, 2019). The DFFB con­tributes to an excit­ing film fes­ti­val with four fea­ture films by DFFB stu­dents screen­ing in two sec­tions.


Sara Summa’s film GLI ULTIMI A VEDERLI VIVERE (THE LAST TO SEE THEM) will be cel­e­brat­ing its world pre­miere in Forum. The film tells the sto­ry of the final hours in the life of a four-per­son fam­i­ly in an iso­lat­ed farm­house in south­ern Italy. With the view­er already aware of the vio­lent deed from the out­set, their dai­ly rou­tines coa­lesce into a ten­der requiem, a trance-like count­down.

  • Sat­ur­day, 9.2., 11:00, Cin­e­maxX 6 (Press & Indus­try)
  • Sun­day, 10.2., 19:00, Del­phi (World Pre­miere)
  • Tues­day, 12.2., 22:00, CineS­tar 8
  • Wednes­day, 13.2., 12:30 & 15:45, DFFB Kino (EFM Mar­ket Screen­ing)
  • Thurs­day, 14.2., 19:30, Colos­se­um 1
  • Sun­day, 17.2., 17:30, Arse­nal 1


Miri­am Bliese’s DFFB grad­u­a­tion film DIE EINZELTEILE DER LIEBE (THE COMPONANTS OF LOVE) screen­ing in Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino is also cel­e­brat­ing its world pre­miere. A film about Sophie and Georg who once loved each oth­er, but are now sep­a­rat­ed. A lacon­ic por­trait of a mod­ern patch­work fam­i­ly that plays out before a front door in Berlin. A seri­ous com­e­dy about sep­a­ra­tion, inter­spersed with Schlager music.

  • Tues­day, 12.2., 14:00, Cin­e­maxX 5 (Press & Indus­try)
  • Tues­day 12.2., 19:00, Cin­e­maxX 3 (World Pre­miere)
  • Wednes­day, 13.2., 12:00, Colos­se­um
  • Wednes­day, 13.2., 17:30, Blauer Stern
  • Wednes­day, 13.2., 14:00, DFFB Kino (EFM Mar­ket Screen­ing)
  • Wednes­day, 13.2., 20:00, Cin­e­maxX 1


Simona Kos­to­vas’ DREISSIG (THIRTY) will also screen in Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino after a suc­cess­ful pre­miere at the 48th Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val Rot­ter­dam in Jan­u­ary. The film tells the sto­ry of a group of friends who cel­e­brate Övünç’s birth­day. The scene shifts from day to night as they wan­der the streets and bars of Neukölln. A rag­ing lust for life. Long­ing for that spe­cial some­thing to final­ly come to pass which has so elud­ed them dur­ing the day.

  • Sat­ur­day, 9.2., 22:30, Cin­e­maxX 2 (Press & Indus­try)
  • Sat­ur­day, 9.2., 22:30, Cin­e­maxX 1 (Ger­man Pre­miere)
  • Sun­day, 10.2., 22:00, Colos­se­um 1
  • Wednes­day, 13.2., 9:00 & 17:10, DFFB Kino (EFM Mar­ket Screen­ing)
  • Sat­ur­day, 16.2., 12:00, Colos­se­um 1


Susanne Heinrich’s DFFB grad­u­a­tion film DAS MELANCHOLISCHE MÄDCHEN (AREN’T YOU HAPPY?), which received the prize for best fea­ture film at this year’s 40th Max Ophüls Film Fes­ti­val, is the clos­ing film of Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino. In this film, a girl roams the city look­ing for a place to sleep, but between yoga stu­dios, art gal­leries and the beds of strangers there is no space for her. A post-mod­ern com­e­dy in pink and blue.

  • Wednes­day, 13.2., 11:00, DFFB Kino (EFM Mar­ket Screen­ing)
  • Clos­ing Film of Per­spec­tive: Sun­day, 17.2., 19:00, Cin­e­maxX 3


We are also pleased to announce that GLI ULTIMI A VEDERLI VIVERE and DIE EINZELTEILE DER LIEBE have been nom­i­nat­ed for the GWFF Best First Fea­ture Award pre­sent­ed by the Berli­nale, which comes with a €50,000 award. We are keep­ing our fin­gers crossed!