DFFB stu­dent Mireya Hei­der de Jahnsen wins the Deutsch­er Nach­wuchs-Drehbuch­preis (Ger­man Screen­play Award for Emerg­ing Screen­writ­ers)

On June 7, 2019, DFFB screen­writ­ing stu­dent Mireya Hei­der de Jahnsen won the first Deutschen Nach­wuchs-Drehbuch­preis from Up & Com­ing for her screen­play LOST LUGGAGE. The award comes with €2,000 in prize mon­ey pro­vid­ed by the Fed­er­al Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion and Research (BMBF) and by an author spon­sor­ship. The Ver­band Deutsch­er Drehbuchau­toren (VDD) (Asso­ci­a­tion of Ger­man Screen­writ­ers) also donat­ed a one-year junior mem­ber­ship.

LOST LUGGAGE: “A dis­as­ter film with­out a dis­as­ter by Mireya Hei­der de Jahnsen.”

…or a film with­out an on-screen dis­as­ter. In her fea­ture-length screen­play, Hei­der de Jahnsen tells the sto­ry of two sis­ters who both work for the same air­line, until one of them fails to return home. In the here­after of the plane crash, the sur­vivors are left to face their dev­as­ta­tion. The jurors not­ed, “The read­er is very close to the char­ac­ters, mov­ing through the dif­fer­ent lay­ers of their psy­ches. The young screenwriter’s obser­va­tion pow­ers are enor­mous. Tonight, she is receiv­ing the first Ger­man Screen­play Award for Emerg­ing Screen­writ­ers to help her con­tin­ue to devel­op her unique cin­e­mat­ic per­spec­tive.”

We warm­ly con­grat­u­late Mireya on her award!