The Ger­man Film and Tele­vi­sion Acad­e­my Berlin is delight­ed to announce that two DFFB stu­dents received awards at the 20th FIRST STEPS AWARDS, which were pre­sent­ed yes­ter­day evening on the stage of the The­ater des West­ens:


Author Jacob Haupt­mann received the FIRST STEPS SCREENPLAY PRIZE, which came with a €10,000 prize, for his screen­play ZEIT DER MONSTER. Oliv­er Ziegen­balg praised Hauptmann’s script in a pas­sion­ate speech on behalf of the jury, which also includ­ed Lau­ra Lack­mann, and Hei­de Schwo­chow: “In a fever­ish and fre­net­ic style, ZEIT DER MONSTER uses the exam­ple of an African infir­mary to tell the sto­ry of an entire nation slid­ing into the ter­ri­ble night­mare of war.”


Pro­duc­er Romana Janik received the NO FEAR AWARD for her work on the fea­ture film 1986 (direc­tor: Lothar Her­zog). The jury acclaimed Janik for her courage in tak­ing the risk to shoot a fea­ture film, detail­ing ille­gal trans­ports from the con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed Cher­nobyl zone, under chal­leng­ing con­di­tions in Belarus. The jury, con­sist­ing of Son­ja Heiss, Jochen Laube, Kat­ja Nicode­mus, Son­ja Rom and Kost­ja Ull­mann, con­clud­ed: “We would all like to shoot with this pro­duc­er!”


We warm­ly con­grat­u­late our two win­ners!


Pho­to: © Event­press /​ Har­ald Fuhr