Ser­i­al Eyes grad­u­ate Den­nis Schanz realis­es his tele­vi­sion series idea SKYLINES through Net­flix

SKYLINES (c) Netflix

Den­nis Schanz has tak­en on the roles of head writer and pro­duc­er to realise his series idea SKYLINES with Net­flix. SKYLINES is the first project devel­oped with­in Ser­i­al Eyes that will be screened on the largest inter­net enter­tain­ment ser­vice.

The series is about a tal­ent­ed hip-hop pro­duc­er who lives in Frank­furt am Main and receives the offer of a life­time. It will run exclu­sive­ly and world­wide on Net­flix from 27 Sep­tem­ber 2019.

Den­nis Schanz devel­oped the idea for the series with­in the Writ­ers’ Room of Ser­i­al Eyes. He was sup­port­ed by var­i­ous lec­tur­ers (includ­ing US showrun­ner Frank Spot­nitz and dra­maturge Nico­la Lusuar­di) and by his men­tor and pro­duc­er Klaus Zim­mer­mann, and then fol­lowed up on the project. With Net­flix, Schanz – tak­ing on the posi­tions of head writer, pro­duc­er, and showrun­ner – final­ly found a part­ner with whom to realise this unusu­al project, which is set between the hip-hop and crim­i­nal worlds.

Den­nis Schanz also enlist­ed three of his Ser­i­al Eyes col­leagues to be on the writ­ers’ team: Oliv­er Karan, Kim Zim­mer­mann, and Arne Ahrens have con­tributed to scripts for the six-part SYKLINES sea­son. The DFFB is also delight­ed by the par­tic­i­pa­tion of oth­er DFFB alum­ni in the pro­duc­tion: Luis Singer (pro­duc­er at Stick­Up Film­pro­duk­tion) and Jonas Dorn­bach and David Keitsch (pro­duc­ers at Kom­plizen­film) are the lead pro­duc­ers of the series, and DFFB alu­munus Max Erlen­wein direct­ed episodes 1–3.

We are very excit­ed and keep our fin­gers crossed for a suc­cess­ful series start!