You’re not sure yet­what study­ing at the DFFB can look be, look and feel like? Alessan­dra Albano, who com­plet­ed her FSJ at the DFFB, armed her­self with the cam­era and cap­tured many beau­ti­ful moments that shaped the aca­d­e­m­ic year 2018/​2019: from every­day life at the acad­e­my to numer­ous sem­i­nars and shoot­ing to our anu­al sum­mer par­ty!

You can apply until Jan­u­ary 7th/​8th for a study with the focus on scriptwrit­ing, cin­e­matog­ra­phy, direct­ing, pro­duc­ing or edit­ing & sound.

We’re already look­ing for­ward to the new tal­ents who will think, learn, shoot and cel­e­brate with us from Octo­ber on.

Click here for appli­ca­tion tasks and infor­ma­tion.