STORIES FROM THE CHESTNUT WOODS has won the award for the best first fea­ture film at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Fes­ti­val

At the Tallinn Black Nights Film Fes­ti­val, DFFB alum­nus and direc­tor Gre­gor Božič won the award for the best first fea­ture film with his grad­u­a­tion film STORIES FROM THE CHESTNUT WOODS!

The jury state­ment: In times of new for­mats, plat­forms and rush rhythm, it is so great to give this award to a film that holds the old torch of cin­e­ma itself. With pow­er­ful sense of real­i­ty with mag­ic, poet­ry and cru­el­ty; this tale stands for the dig­ni­ty of wait­ing for death while life pass­es by in such a strong way. Beau­ti­ful­ly shot and edit­ed, with a great sense of com­mu­nion with the peo­ple, land­scape, envi­ron­ment and the top­ic. It was like enjoy­ing a nice and hum­ble meal from the coun­try­side: the film left us the taste of chest­nuts.

Source: https://​poff​.ee/​e​n​/​a​w​a​r​d​s​-​o​f​-​t​h​e​-​2​3​r​d​-​t​a​l​l​i​n​n​-​b​l​a​c​k​-​n​i​g​h​t​s​-​f​i​l​m​-​f​e​s​t​i​v​al/

The award came with a €5000 prize, which will be divid­ed between the direc­tor and the film‘s pro­duc­er Mari­na Gumzi.

We warm­ly con­grat­u­late Gre­gor and the whole team!