DFFB at the Berli­nale 2020

This year, the DFFB will once again be present at the 70th Berlin Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val (Feb­ru­ary 20–March 1, 2020). The DFFB is con­tribut­ing to an excit­ing fes­ti­val with a doc­u­men­tary and a fea­ture film cre­at­ed by women grad­u­ates in two sec­tions as well as twelve projects fea­tur­ing alum­ni.


DFFB Films at the Berli­nale

The DFFB grad­u­a­tion film BLUE EYES AND COLORFUL MY DRESS by Poli­na Gumiela—a doc­u­men­tary fol­low­ing 3‑year-old Zhana on her for­ays through her neigh­bour­hood in Plovdiv/Bulgaria—will cel­e­brate its world pre­miere in the Gen­er­a­tion Kplus sec­tion. A FISH SWIMMING UPSIDE DOWN by Eliza Petkova—a grad­u­a­tion film about an unusu­al love tri­an­gle in which the par­tic­i­pants expect more from each oth­er than they can handle—screens in Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino. These two films will also be pre­sent­ed dur­ing the EFM mar­ket on 26.02. at the DFFB cin­e­ma.


Events Dur­ing the Fes­ti­val

The DFFB will also be present dur­ing var­i­ous events through­out the Berli­nale: The Film­net­zw­erk Berlin is par­tic­i­pat­ing in the open­ing con­fer­ence of the Crit­ics‘ Week on 19.02 dur­ing the work­shop “Film gegen Rechts“ (Film against the Right). Ser­i­al Eyes, the post­grad­u­ate pro­gramme for the devel­op­ment of tele­vi­sion series, will be present at the Berli­nale Series Mar­ket in the Zoopalast at “Hot Con­tenders 2020: Dis­cov­er the Next Gen­er­a­tion.”

On 26 Feb­ru­ary, grad­u­ates will present a selec­tion of dar­ing projects, which will then be dis­cussed with top-lev­el indus­try play­ers. That evening, the DFFB invites you to its annu­al recep­tion on the 9th floor of the Filmhaus. NEXT WAVE, the DFFB’s new pro­gramme on the future of Euro­pean film mar­kets, focus­es on the top­ic “Chal­lenges of New Dis­tri­b­u­tion” at EFM Hori­zon, where solu­tions for chal­lenges in the areas of film fes­ti­vals, VOD, and microdis­tri­b­u­tion will be devel­oped.

DFFB stu­dents will also par­take in the fes­ti­val: cur­rent­ly in its 10th edi­tion, “Couch­surf­ing the Berli­nale” has invit­ed 25 film stu­dents from around the world to Berlin, pro­vid­ing them with a sofa to sleep on and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the fes­ti­val togeth­er with DFFB stu­dents.

Addi­tion­al­ly, four DFFB stu­dents and alum­ni belong to this year’s Col­lec­tive of Berli­nale Tal­ents: cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Con­stanze Schmitt, direc­tor Bor­bála Nagy, direc­tor Lukas Feigelfeld, and pro­duc­er Clemens Köstlin.


DFFB Alum­ni

UNDINE by Chris­t­ian Pet­zold (com­pe­ti­tion)

NAKED ANIMALS by Melanie Waelde (Encoun­ters)

ONE OF THESE DAYS by Bas­t­ian Gün­ther (Panora­ma)

DAYS OF CANNIBALISM by Tebo­ho Edkins (Panora­ma)

WAGENKNECHT by San­dra Kaudel­ka, shot by Michael Kotschi (Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino)

VEINS OF THE WORLD copro­duced by Eva Kemme (Gen­er­a­tion)

KIDS RUN copro­duced by Mar­tin Heisler (Gen­er­a­tion)

WALCHENSEE FOREVER copro­duced by Mar­tin Heisler (Gen­er­a­tion)

SOMETHING SELFE EXPLANATORY (15x) by Harun Faroc­ki and Hart­mut Bit­o­m­sky (Forum anniver­sary pro­gramm)

THE WOMEN´S FILM by Helke Sander (Forum anniver­sary pro­gramm)

DUNKELSTADT shot by Emre Erk­men (Berli­nale Series Mar­ket)


Down­load images and press kits of the DFFB films, screen­ing dates of all films, and the DFFB logo here.

Pho­to: DAYS OF CANNIBALISM by Tebo­ho Edkins