Angela Schan­elec at the New York Film Fes­ti­val

Alum­na Angela Schan­elec pre­sent­ed her lat­est film I WAS AT HOME, BUT at the New York Film Fes­ti­val. The Lin­coln Cen­ter is also pre­sent­ing a com­plete ret­ro­spec­tive titled “Dreamed Paths: The Films of Angela Schan­elec” of the Berlin filmmaker’s work. You can attend the screen­ings at Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter until Feb­ru­ary 21.

Lis­ten to the con­ver­sa­tion about the film (and Shake­speare, Ozu, and Bres­son) here.

Pho­to­cre­d­it : Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter