Well, this is cause for celebration!
On June 15 and 16, the meeting of the Jury for Feature Film Funding of the BKM took place. Following the recommendations of the independent jury, Minister of State Monika Grütters is supporting numerous feature film projects with a total of 4.74 million euros.
We congratulate no less than 12 members of the DFFB on the support provided by the BKM — very well done!
Our alumni Chris Kraus (15 JAHRE), Ana-Felicia Scutenicu and Jonas Weydemann (TRANSIT TIMES) are happy about a production grant. The project AUS DEM LEBEN DER ECHSEN by our senior lecturer for directing, Christoph Hochhäusler, is also supported by the BKM.
Among the recipients of the script sponsorship are our alumni Sara Summa (EIN SICHERER ORT), Emma Rosa Simon and Robert Bohrer (LA BEAUTÉ HUMAINE), Claudia Schaefer and Sun-Ju Choi (STAATSSCHUTZ), Jonas Rothlaender (STURZWELLEN), Susanne Heinrich (UNMÖGLICHE MUTTER) and Thomas Arslan (VERBRANNTE ERDE).
Congratulations! This good news gives us hope, brings a new wind of change and above all we can expect a lot of great feature films in the upcoming time!