Film­net­zw­erk: Stammtisch in August

End of August it’s time again for the next Film­net­zw­erk Stammtisch! We invite you to a late sum­mer get-togeth­er at the bar of ZUKUNFT am Ostkreuz. Dur­ing our Stammtisch, you can meet Film­net­zw­erk mem­bers and oth­er Berlin film­mak­ers, exchange ideas about cur­rent projects with each oth­er and dis­cuss new ideas over a cold drink . Come by and bring your col­leagues, not only Film­net­zw­erk mem­bers are wel­come. We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing you!

For orga­ni­za­tion­al rea­sons we would appre­ci­ate a short reg­is­tra­tion via info@​filmnetzwerk-​berlin.​de.

Date & time: Wednes­day, August 24th, 7pm
Place: ZUKUNFT am Ostkreuz (Lasker­straße 5, 10245 Berlin)