Film Club 35K with Ola Jankows­ka

The stu­dent film club 35K invites to a screen­ing and Q&A with Ola Jankows­ka! Before the organ­is­ers talk to the direc­tor about her work, her fea­ture film ANATOMIA (103 min, Pol­ish with Eng­lish sub­ti­tles) will be pre­sent­ed to the audi­ence.



Mika returns to Poland to meet her father who is suf­fer­ing from a severe brain injury and inher­ent mem­o­ry loss. Although they haven’t seen each oth­er for many years, upon her arrival she becomes the father’s com­pan­ion in per­plex­i­ty — gen­tly guid­ing him through the labyrinth of his fad­ing mind. And as she does so, she grad­u­al­ly sets off on a jour­ney through her own life. Grad­u­al­ly, the sense of time and space start break­ing: the present blends with the long bygone past and places reveal their far­away his­to­ry and mem­o­ries. Slow­ly, life and its end, too, begin to blur. Shot on dig­i­tal, 35mm, VHS and ther­mo­vi­sion cam­eras, incor­po­rat­ing archive footage. A col­lage-like jour­ney through time, mem­o­ry and the ori­gins of our iden­ti­ty.


About Ola Jankows­ka

Ola Jankows­ka is a Pol­ish-born writer and direc­tor, based in Berlin and work­ing inter­na­tion­al­ly. Her first fea­ture fic­tion Anato­mia (Poland, France 2021) pre­miered in Venice 2021 as a part of Venice Days and has since screened at fes­ti­vals around the world win­ning sev­er­al prizes. Her first fea­ture-length doc­u­men­tary I Was Here (Great Britain, 2019), co-direct­ed with Nathalie Biancheri, pre­miered at CPH:DOX 2019. Ola’s work was also exhib­it­ed at the Pol­ish Nation­al Gallery Zacheta. She stud­ied Direct­ing at Lodz Film School in Poland and the NFTS in the UK — as well as par­tic­i­pat­ed in pro­grams such as Tori­noFilm­Lab, CPH:LAB, Euro­pean Short Pitch, Ekran+ or Zurich Mas­ter­class. She also teach­es cre­ative writ­ing to screen­writ­ing stu­dents at the Lodz Film School.


The event will take place in the DFFB cin­e­ma in Eng­lish; admis­sion is free.