Grau­da­tion Cer­e­mo­ny 2023

At the end of their stud­ies, the DFFB cel­e­brates the grad­u­ates of the Screen­writ­ing, Cin­e­ma­trog­ra­phy, Direct­ing, Pro­duc­tion and Edit­ing & Sound pro­grams. After inspir­ing words by the suc­cess­ful author Behzad Karim Khani, the grad­u­ates are pre­sent­ed with their grad­u­a­tion cer­tifi­cates in the pres­ence of their fam­i­lies and friends. The cer­e­mo­ny will be fol­lowed by a live­ly recep­tion with space for the exchange of anec­dotes from the good, old stu­dent days.

This is an inter­nal event of the acad­e­my and is open to invit­ed guests. Thanks for under­stand­ing.