fem­i­nist else­wheres

film pro­gram with exhi­bi­tion and work­shops

Between Novem­ber 7 and 12, 2023, fem­i­nist else­wheres will cel­e­brate over 50 years of fem­i­nist film work in six days with a com­pre­hen­sive film pro­gram, work­shops and an exhi­bi­tion.

fem­i­nist else­wheres draws on two events that took place at the Arse­nal cin­e­ma in Berlin: the First Inter­na­tion­al Women’s Film Sem­i­nar of 1973, which is con­sid­ered the start­ing point of the fem­i­nist film move­ment in West Ger­many and was orga­nized by Clau­dia von Ale­mann and Helke Sander with the sup­port of Eri­ka Gre­gor, among oth­ers. In 1997, a revis­i­ta­tion of the Women’s Film Sem­i­nar titled … the point is to change it. Films, Fes­ti­vals, Fem­i­nism took place, to which, under the cura­tion of then cin­e­ma direc­tor Ste­fanie Schulte Strathaus, as well as Madeleine Bern­storff, Bir­git Kohler, Sil­via Hal­lensleben, and Regi­na Holzkamp, all part of Blick­pi­lotin e.V., five fem­i­nist film fes­ti­vals from all over Europe were invit­ed. 

fem­i­nist else­wheres is put togeth­er by Arisa Purkpong, Sophie Holzberg­er, Char­lotte Eit­el­bach, Fiona Berg and Ele­na Baumeis­ter. Cen­tral to the cura­to­r­i­al process was the dia­logue between his­tor­i­cal and con­tem­po­rary cin­e­mat­ic fem­i­nisms. There­fore, fem­i­nist else­wheres com­bines restora­tions and pre­mieres and brings into con­ver­sa­tion pro­tag­o­nists of film move­ments since the 1960s with con­tem­po­rary activists.

Here, you can find all infor­ma­tion about the pro­gram: Arse­nal Berlin