Open days, pub­lic screen­ings, or annu­al receptions—we’ll keep you post­ed on all the DFFB’s events!


12. November 2022

Open Doors 2022

24. August 2022

Film­net­zw­erk: Stammtisch in August

4. July 2022

Film­net­zw­erk: Cof­fee Club with EAVE (Euro­pean Audio­vi­su­al Entre­pre­neurs)

23. June 2022

Film Net­work Berlin meets Ukrain­ian Film­mak­ers Stammtisch

10. March 2022

Filmk­lub 35K: Film Dis­cus­sion on GRITT with direc­tor Iton­je Søimer Gut­torm­sen

1. March 2022

Call for Appli­ca­tions: 5th Film Net­work Pitch @ achtung berlin – new berlin film award

15. December 2021

Film Club 35K: Q&A with Greg Kwedar and Clint Bent­ley

3. December 2021

Study Coun­selling

15. November 2021

Meet & Greet with the Lec­tur­ers

14. November 2021

Film­net­zw­erk + Visionär Film Fes­ti­val Pan­el: The words of the Mon­ster – Futur­is­tic imag­i­na­tion in the cin­e­ma vs. the colo­nial regime

15. March 2021

Meet & Min­gle: Film­net­zw­erk + Ser­i­al Eyes + Next Wave

4. February 2021

Film­net­zw­erk: Cof­fee Club with Tour­ing Artists

1. July 2020

Film x Music: Pan­el Dis­cus­sion on Col­lab­o­ra­tions between Film­mak­ers and Musi­cians

26. March 2020


18. March 2020

CANCELLED: 20 Years First Steps & DFFB: Film Mat­ters!

7. March 2020

Ageism in Film and TV: Will we ever grow out of our obses­sion with youth?

26. February 2020

Berli­nale Recep­tion 2020

5. December 2019

DFFB Ses­sion: Work­ing on “FAUDA” with Michal Avi­ram

4. November 2019

Con­fer­ence with the rbb: “THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED”

29. October 2019

DFFB now! 2019

24. October 2019

DFFB Ses­sion: Cre­at­ing “Sky­lines” with Den­nis Schanz

16. October 2019

DFFB Ses­sion: A Com­plete Guide to the Web Series Phe­nom­e­non with Mered­ith Burk­hold­er

8. July 2019

Film­net­zw­erk Match­mak­ing

27. June 2019

Film­net­zw­erk Cof­fee Club in August with Women Film Sound Net­work