Author: Anna Zaluska

›Women, life, lib­er­ty‹ The Ger­man film schools stand with the peace­ful protests in Iran

»We ask you to echo the ral­ly­ing cries of Ira­ni­ans for free­dom. Become the voice of those peo­ple who are pay­ing with their lives for free­dom« Iran­ian film­mak­ers recent­ly request­ed in an open let­ter.

The death of Mah­sa Ami­ni while in police cus­tody and the increas­ing repres­sions because of the coun­try­wide protests have shocked us and are a cause of great con­cern to us. As Ger­man film schools we have collectively com­mit­ted our­selves to diver­si­ty and against dis­crim­i­na­tion. We have com­mit­ted our­selves to ques­tion­ing exist­ing struc­tures and stereo­types con­struc­tive­ly and to address the issues of abuse of pow­er and gen­der equal­i­ty. There­fore, we also want to express our sol­i­dar­i­ty with the pro­test­ers with a unit­ed voice:

We are deeply con­cerned about the sit­u­a­tion in Iran and espe­cial­ly at the Iran­ian uni­ver­si­ties. We condemn the vio­lent repres­sion of free­dom of expres­sion and the right to per­son­al devel­op­ment. We see you, your coura­geous resis­tance, and the sac­ri­fices you make. You are not alone.
We stand behind you and your com­mit­ment to “women, life, lib­er­ty”!

Three Nom­i­na­tions for DFFB Stu­dents at the FIRST STEPS Awards 2021

We are hap­py to announce three nom­i­na­tions for this year’s FIRST STEPS Awards.

Two DFFB pro­duc­tion stu­dents are nom­i­nat­ed for the NO FEAR Award: Tama­ra Erbe for the film BABY BITCHKA (direc­tor: Anna Maria Roznows­ka, screen­writer: Anna Maria Roznows­ka & Tama­ra Erbe, cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Malte Siepen, pro­duc­tion: Tama­ra Erbe) and Sara Fazi­lat for NICO (director/​screenwriter: Eline Gehring, cinematographer/​screenwriter: Fran­cy Fab­ritz, producer/​screenwriter: Sara Fazi­lat).

In addi­tion, Aart Stein­mann is also nom­i­nat­ed for his grad­u­at­ing screen­play NIEMCY– DIE FREMDEN.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to all three stu­dents!

The FIRST STEPS award is the most impor­tant award for grad­u­at­ing films of film schools in Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries. With a total of €119,000 in prize mon­ey, it is the largest endow­ment of its kind for young film­mak­ers. There are nine prize cat­e­gories and prizes are award­ed annu­al­ly to direc­tors, pro­duc­ers, cin­e­matog­ra­phers, and screen­writ­ers of short, medi­um-length, and fea­ture-length films, doc­u­men­taries, and com­mer­cials, as well as to actors. Each nom­i­nee receives €1000.

We are keep­ing our fin­gers crossed and will be excit­ed­ly watch­ing the award cer­e­mo­ny on June 21, which will be streamed live on the ARD Mediathek from 7 pm.



DFFB grad­u­a­tion film in com­pe­ti­tion at the 71st Berli­nale

The grad­u­a­tion film WHAT DO WE SEE WHEN WE LOOK AT THE SKY? by direct­ing grad­u­ate Alexan­dre Koberidze cel­e­brates its world pre­miere in com­pe­ti­tion at the 71st Berlin Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val.

Observ­ing every­day life in Kutaisi, Geor­gia, with humour and sen­si­tiv­i­ty, the 150-minute film paints a mag­i­cal love sto­ry that seems impos­si­ble, yet ends on a hope­ful note. “I want­ed to make a film about the love of cin­e­ma, in times when oth­ers have long since declared cin­e­ma dead,” says the direc­tor, who was born in Tbil­isi in 1984.

WHAT DO WE SEE WHEN WE LOOK AT THE SKY? was fund­ed by Medi­en­board Berlin-Bran­den­burg and Rund­funk Berlin-Bran­den­burg as part of the LEUCHTSTOFF pro­gram. With the young pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny New Mat­ter Films, found­ed by the stu­dents Mari­am Shat­berashvili and Luise Hauschild as well as cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Faraz Fes­hara­ki, the direc­tor has gath­ered an ambi­tious, moti­vat­ed, and high­ly tal­ent­ed team around him, which suc­cess­ful­ly worked togeth­er on the real­iza­tion of this spe­cial grad­u­a­tion film.

We warm­ly con­grat­u­late the entire team for this huge hon­our and are already keep­ing our fin­gers crossed for the Gold­en Bear Awards on March 5!

Two DFFB projects are screen­ing in the short film com­pe­ti­tion EUROPA IM FILM

On the occa­sion of the Ger­man Pres­i­den­cy of the Coun­cil of the Euro­pean Union in 2020, the short film com­pe­ti­tion Europe in Film, which is fund­ed by the Ger­man Fed­er­al For­eign Office, will take place this year.

The DFFB films KATZENJAMMER by Flavio Yuri Rig­a­mon­ti and STADTPINGUIN by Florin­da Fris­ar­di will com­pete for the Audi­ence Award.

In KATZENJAMMER, a young refugee has to fight his way alone until he meets an old farmer and in STATDPINGUIN, two sis­ters have adven­tur­ous dreams.

From 04.12.2020 to 10.12.2020, watch the films at https://​www​.alle​ski​no​.de/ and then vote for the Audi­ence Award. There will also be talks with all film teams. It’s worth tak­ing a peak!

CHICHINETTE final­ly screens in cin­e­mas across Ger­many

CHICHINETTE – THE ACCIDENTAL SPY, the doc­u­men­tary and grad­u­a­tion film by Nico­la Alice Hens, will be released in cin­e­mas nation­wide on Sep­tem­ber 17, 2020. To accom­pa­ny its the­atri­cal release, the direc­tor will per­son­al­ly present the film in select­ed cities. The film tells the hith­er­to lit­tle-known sto­ry of the French Jew Marthe Cohn alias Chichinette. Dur­ing the chaos of war, Cohn decid­ed to risk her life to work as an allied spy in Nazi Ger­many. Today, at the age of 100, she trav­els the world shar­ing her sto­ry with the younger gen­er­a­tions.

The film’s release was planned for March 19, 2020, but a nation­wide lock­down in Ger­many occurred only days before its sched­uled start. Now the time has come and CHICHINETTE – THE ACCIDENTAL SPY is final­ly com­ing to cin­e­mas.

CHICHINETTE – THE ACCIDENTAL SPY cel­e­brat­ed its Ger­man pre­miere at the Hofer Film­tage 2019.

Film Dis­cus­sions

FILM DISCUSSION on 12.09.2020 BERLIN KLICK Kino (with­in the Jew­ish Film Fes­ti­val Berlin & Bran­den­burg) – 6 pm – Guests: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens and pro­duc­er Amos Geva

FILM DISCUSSION on 17.09.2020 WEIMAR Lichthaus cin­e­ma – 7 pm – Guest: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens

FILM DISCUSSION on 18.09.2020 LEIPZIG Ciné­math­èque Leipzig – 7 pm – Guest: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens

FILM DISCUSSION on 19.09.2020 BERLIN Cen­tral – time TBA – Guests: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens and pro­duc­er Amos Geva

FILM DISCUSSION on 19.09.2020 BERLIN Moviemen­to – time TBA – Guests: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens and pro­duc­er Amos Geva


Berlin, Bre­men, Dort­mund, Dres­den, Essen, Frank­furt, Freiburg, Hal­ber­stadt, Ham­burg, Hanover, Karl­sruhe, Leipzig, Munich, Mün­ster, Nurem­berg, Pots­dam, Salzgit­ter, Stuttgart, Tübin­gen, Ulm, Wies­baden, Würzburg, and more.

An updat­ed list of film dis­cus­sions and venues can be found on the web­site of miss­ing­FILMs.

About the film

At the age of 100, Marthe Cohn tours the world like a rock star. The demu­ni­tive white-haired woman pos­sess­es humour, flair, and lots of ener­gy. We quick­ly under­stand why she was once nick­named “Chichinette” (lit­tle pain in the neck). Her speech­es are enter­tain­ing and pep­pered with punch lines. With wit and charm Marthe cap­ti­vates her audi­ence with her incred­i­ble life sto­ry: Marthe Hoff­nung, a French Jew from Metz, who lost her fiancé and her sis­ter in the war, decid­ed in 1945 to risk her life to spy for the Allies in Nazi Ger­many and to fight for the war to come to an end. Her mis­sion was suc­cess­ful, but for six­ty years after the war she remained silent about her hero­ic deeds.

An Amos Geva film pro­duc­tion in co-pro­duc­tion with Merovee Films, the DFFB, and the RBB.

CHICHINETTE – THE ACCIDENTAL SPY tells the impres­sive sto­ry of Cohn’s life in atmos­pher­ic, part­ly ani­mat­ed images.

Source: miss­ing­FILMs

The DFFB at the 16th edi­tion of the film fes­ti­val achtung Berlin – new berlin film award

After the pan­dem­ic thwart­ed the Berlin Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val (Berli­nale) in April, we are delight­ed that the 16th edi­tion of achtung Berlin – new berlin film award film will soon be upon us.

Tak­ing place from 16–20 Sep­tem­ber, this edi­tion will fea­ture few­er films than usu­al, but they will all be screened in the best cul­tur­al meet­ing place for film­mak­ers and film lovers—the cin­e­ma!

The DFFB will be present at the fes­ti­val, which is the most impor­tant event for show­cas­ing film­mak­ing from Berlin and Bran­den­burg. This year’s pro­gramme includes the fol­low­ing con­tri­bu­tions from the DFFB:

1986 (R/​B: Lothar Her­zog, K: Philipp Baben der Erde, P: Romana Janik)

DAS WARTEN (R/​B: Lasse Hold­hus, K: Alexan­der Brack, P: Lisa Rol­ing)

DER TAG X (R: Katha­ri­na Riv­ilis, B: Katha­ri­na Riv­ilis, Samuel Chalela Puc­ci­ni, K: Giu­lia Schel­has, P: Cecil­ia Trautvet­ter)

FREISCHWIMMER (R: Gaya von Schwarze, B: Mirko Rachor, Gaya von Schwarze, Josephine Oleak, K: Raban Jakob Friedrich, P: Ibrahim-Utku Erdo­gan, Leonie Schäfer)

IN DEN BINSEN (R: Clara Zoe My-Linh von Arn­im, B: Andreas Kou­ba, K: Raban Jakob Friedrich, P: Elis­a­beth Köller)

JIYAN (R/​B: Sühey­la Schwenk, K: Flo­ri­an Wurz­er, P: Sara Fazi­lat, Rox­ana Richters)

LAND OF GLORY (R: Bor­bála Nagy, B: Bor­bála Nagy, Judit Anna Bán­házi, K: Moritz Friese, P: Mar­gari­ta Amine­va)

REVOLVO (R/​B: Fran­cy Fab­ritz, K: Anto­nia Lange, P: Sara Fazi­lat)

SEBASTIAN SPRINGT ÜBER GELÄNDER (R/​B: Cey­lan Ata­man-Checa, K: Albrecht von Grün­hagen, P: Jörg Daniel, Övünc Güvenisik, Simona Kos­to­va, Cey­lan Ata­man-Checa) und

TRÄUME VON RÄUMEN (R/​B: Matthias Lint­ner, K: Fran­cis­co Med­i­na, Matthias Lint­ner, Matil­da Mester, Car­los Andres Lopez, Christo­pher Aoun; P: Matthias Lint­ner, Eweli­na Rosińs­ka).

In addi­tion, the film FRITSCH´S PFUSCH will screen in the doc­u­men­tary com­pe­ti­tion sec­tion. The film fea­tures cin­e­matog­ra­phy by Paul Rohlfs and was pro­duced by Vic­tor Buza­l­ka (Direc­tor: Lisa Wagner/​KHM).

Two debut films of our gradutes can also be seen at the fes­ti­val:

GLITTER&DUST by Anna Koch and Julia Lemke and GIRAFFE by Anna Sofie Hart­mann.


For the full sched­ule, take a look at the pro­gramme book­let.

The 3rd Film­net­zw­erk Pitch takes place at the fes­ti­val on 18 Sep­tem­ber.

The Pitch is a show­case for film­mak­ers from Berlin. Dur­ing the Branchen­tag of the achtung berlin film fes­ti­val, a selec­tion of screen­writ­ers, direc­tors, and pro­duc­ers will present their long, short, and ser­i­al fic­tion, non-fic­tion, and ani­ma­tion projects to a pro­fes­sion­al audi­ence. The par­tic­i­pants will receive feed­back from pro­duc­tion, TV, and dis­tri­b­u­tion experts.

Due to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, the pitch this year will occur under nec­es­sary hygiene mea­sures. The pitch offers the par­tic­i­pants the fol­low­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties: to receive feed­back on the projects’ con­tent and form, to exam­ine rel­e­vant pro­duc­tion and eval­u­a­tion strate­gies, and to gain part­ners for their project.

We wish every­one a suc­cess­ful fes­ti­val!

Angela Schan­elec at the New York Film Fes­ti­val

Alum­na Angela Schan­elec pre­sent­ed her lat­est film I WAS AT HOME, BUT at the New York Film Fes­ti­val. The Lin­coln Cen­ter is also pre­sent­ing a com­plete ret­ro­spec­tive titled “Dreamed Paths: The Films of Angela Schan­elec” of the Berlin filmmaker’s work. You can attend the screen­ings at Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter until Feb­ru­ary 21.

Lis­ten to the con­ver­sa­tion about the film (and Shake­speare, Ozu, and Bres­son) here.

Pho­to­cre­d­it : Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter

DFFB at the Berli­nale 2020

This year, the DFFB will once again be present at the 70th Berlin Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val (Feb­ru­ary 20–March 1, 2020). The DFFB is con­tribut­ing to an excit­ing fes­ti­val with a doc­u­men­tary and a fea­ture film cre­at­ed by women grad­u­ates in two sec­tions as well as twelve projects fea­tur­ing alum­ni.


DFFB Films at the Berli­nale

The DFFB grad­u­a­tion film BLUE EYES AND COLORFUL MY DRESS by Poli­na Gumiela—a doc­u­men­tary fol­low­ing 3‑year-old Zhana on her for­ays through her neigh­bour­hood in Plovdiv/Bulgaria—will cel­e­brate its world pre­miere in the Gen­er­a­tion Kplus sec­tion. A FISH SWIMMING UPSIDE DOWN by Eliza Petkova—a grad­u­a­tion film about an unusu­al love tri­an­gle in which the par­tic­i­pants expect more from each oth­er than they can handle—screens in Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino. These two films will also be pre­sent­ed dur­ing the EFM mar­ket on 26.02. at the DFFB cin­e­ma.


Events Dur­ing the Fes­ti­val

The DFFB will also be present dur­ing var­i­ous events through­out the Berli­nale: The Film­net­zw­erk Berlin is par­tic­i­pat­ing in the open­ing con­fer­ence of the Crit­ics‘ Week on 19.02 dur­ing the work­shop “Film gegen Rechts“ (Film against the Right). Ser­i­al Eyes, the post­grad­u­ate pro­gramme for the devel­op­ment of tele­vi­sion series, will be present at the Berli­nale Series Mar­ket in the Zoopalast at “Hot Con­tenders 2020: Dis­cov­er the Next Gen­er­a­tion.”

On 26 Feb­ru­ary, grad­u­ates will present a selec­tion of dar­ing projects, which will then be dis­cussed with top-lev­el indus­try play­ers. That evening, the DFFB invites you to its annu­al recep­tion on the 9th floor of the Filmhaus. NEXT WAVE, the DFFB’s new pro­gramme on the future of Euro­pean film mar­kets, focus­es on the top­ic “Chal­lenges of New Dis­tri­b­u­tion” at EFM Hori­zon, where solu­tions for chal­lenges in the areas of film fes­ti­vals, VOD, and microdis­tri­b­u­tion will be devel­oped.

DFFB stu­dents will also par­take in the fes­ti­val: cur­rent­ly in its 10th edi­tion, “Couch­surf­ing the Berli­nale” has invit­ed 25 film stu­dents from around the world to Berlin, pro­vid­ing them with a sofa to sleep on and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the fes­ti­val togeth­er with DFFB stu­dents.

Addi­tion­al­ly, four DFFB stu­dents and alum­ni belong to this year’s Col­lec­tive of Berli­nale Tal­ents: cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Con­stanze Schmitt, direc­tor Bor­bála Nagy, direc­tor Lukas Feigelfeld, and pro­duc­er Clemens Köstlin.


DFFB Alum­ni

UNDINE by Chris­t­ian Pet­zold (com­pe­ti­tion)

NAKED ANIMALS by Melanie Waelde (Encoun­ters)

ONE OF THESE DAYS by Bas­t­ian Gün­ther (Panora­ma)

DAYS OF CANNIBALISM by Tebo­ho Edkins (Panora­ma)

WAGENKNECHT by San­dra Kaudel­ka, shot by Michael Kotschi (Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino)

VEINS OF THE WORLD copro­duced by Eva Kemme (Gen­er­a­tion)

KIDS RUN copro­duced by Mar­tin Heisler (Gen­er­a­tion)

WALCHENSEE FOREVER copro­duced by Mar­tin Heisler (Gen­er­a­tion)

SOMETHING SELFE EXPLANATORY (15x) by Harun Faroc­ki and Hart­mut Bit­o­m­sky (Forum anniver­sary pro­gramm)

THE WOMEN´S FILM by Helke Sander (Forum anniver­sary pro­gramm)

DUNKELSTADT shot by Emre Erk­men (Berli­nale Series Mar­ket)


Down­load images and press kits of the DFFB films, screen­ing dates of all films, and the DFFB logo here.

Pho­to: DAYS OF CANNIBALISM by Tebo­ho Edkins

JIYAN wins the prize of the Ecu­meni­cal Jury at the 41st Film­fes­ti­val Max Ophüls Preis

At the award cer­e­mo­ny of this year’s Film­fes­ti­val Max Ophüls Preis, JIYAN (director/​screenwriter: Sühey­la Schwenk, cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Flo­ri­an Wurz­er, pro­duc­er: Sara Fazi­lat, Rox­ana Richters) won the Ecu­meni­cal Jury Prize endowed with a €2500 award.

The rea­sons:

“This haunt­ing, inti­mate cham­ber play is strength­ened by the inter­play of the cam­era and set design. The film explores the way in which prej­u­dices with­in the fam­i­ly struc­ture and degrad­ing social real­i­ties are han­dled. It is pre­cise­ly the filmmaker’s refusal to use an unnec­es­sar­i­ly large dra­mat­ic arc and to favour a focus on the dai­ly con­cerns and hard­ships with­in the pri­vate sphere that bring forth the pro­tag­o­nists’ human­i­ty.

Clev­er­ly writ­ten, the film details the life of a young Syrian/​Kurdish fam­i­ly and their rel­a­tives in Ger­many.

At the end, the ques­tion asked is: What is a human life worth?”


Con­grat­u­la­tions to the whole team!


Cred­it: ffmop /​ Oliv­er Diet­ze