CHICHINETTE final­ly screens in cin­e­mas across Ger­many

CHICHINETTE – THE ACCIDENTAL SPY, the doc­u­men­tary and grad­u­a­tion film by Nico­la Alice Hens, will be released in cin­e­mas nation­wide on Sep­tem­ber 17, 2020. To accom­pa­ny its the­atri­cal release, the direc­tor will per­son­al­ly present the film in select­ed cities. The film tells the hith­er­to lit­tle-known sto­ry of the French Jew Marthe Cohn alias Chichinette. Dur­ing the chaos of war, Cohn decid­ed to risk her life to work as an allied spy in Nazi Ger­many. Today, at the age of 100, she trav­els the world shar­ing her sto­ry with the younger gen­er­a­tions.

The film’s release was planned for March 19, 2020, but a nation­wide lock­down in Ger­many occurred only days before its sched­uled start. Now the time has come and CHICHINETTE – THE ACCIDENTAL SPY is final­ly com­ing to cin­e­mas.

CHICHINETTE – THE ACCIDENTAL SPY cel­e­brat­ed its Ger­man pre­miere at the Hofer Film­tage 2019.

Film Dis­cus­sions

FILM DISCUSSION on 12.09.2020 BERLIN KLICK Kino (with­in the Jew­ish Film Fes­ti­val Berlin & Bran­den­burg) – 6 pm – Guests: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens and pro­duc­er Amos Geva

FILM DISCUSSION on 17.09.2020 WEIMAR Lichthaus cin­e­ma – 7 pm – Guest: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens

FILM DISCUSSION on 18.09.2020 LEIPZIG Ciné­math­èque Leipzig – 7 pm – Guest: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens

FILM DISCUSSION on 19.09.2020 BERLIN Cen­tral – time TBA – Guests: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens and pro­duc­er Amos Geva

FILM DISCUSSION on 19.09.2020 BERLIN Moviemen­to – time TBA – Guests: direc­tor Nico­la A. Hens and pro­duc­er Amos Geva


Berlin, Bre­men, Dort­mund, Dres­den, Essen, Frank­furt, Freiburg, Hal­ber­stadt, Ham­burg, Hanover, Karl­sruhe, Leipzig, Munich, Mün­ster, Nurem­berg, Pots­dam, Salzgit­ter, Stuttgart, Tübin­gen, Ulm, Wies­baden, Würzburg, and more.

An updat­ed list of film dis­cus­sions and venues can be found on the web­site of miss­ing­FILMs.

About the film

At the age of 100, Marthe Cohn tours the world like a rock star. The demu­ni­tive white-haired woman pos­sess­es humour, flair, and lots of ener­gy. We quick­ly under­stand why she was once nick­named “Chichinette” (lit­tle pain in the neck). Her speech­es are enter­tain­ing and pep­pered with punch lines. With wit and charm Marthe cap­ti­vates her audi­ence with her incred­i­ble life sto­ry: Marthe Hoff­nung, a French Jew from Metz, who lost her fiancé and her sis­ter in the war, decid­ed in 1945 to risk her life to spy for the Allies in Nazi Ger­many and to fight for the war to come to an end. Her mis­sion was suc­cess­ful, but for six­ty years after the war she remained silent about her hero­ic deeds.

An Amos Geva film pro­duc­tion in co-pro­duc­tion with Merovee Films, the DFFB, and the RBB.

CHICHINETTE – THE ACCIDENTAL SPY tells the impres­sive sto­ry of Cohn’s life in atmos­pher­ic, part­ly ani­mat­ed images.

Source: miss­ing­FILMs