Ger­man Screen­play Award for Alum­nus Julian Radl­maier

DFFB alum­nus Julian Radl­maier and his screen­play ‘Blut­sauger’ has won the Gold­en Lola 2019 for the best unfilmed screen­play. At the recep­tion of the Ver­band Deutsch­er Drehbuchau­toren (VDD) (Ger­man Film Crit­ics Asso­ci­a­tion) held dur­ing the 69th Berli­nale, the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment Com­mis­sion­er for Cul­ture and the Media, Moni­ka Grüt­ters, award­ed the prize to Radl­maier. The prize is endowed with a €10,000 award and is one of the most impor­tant prizes for screen­writ­ers in Ger­many.

The jury praised the script — which tells the sto­ry of a fake Russ­ian baron and the daugh­ter of a real Ger­man fac­to­ry own­er who make a vam­pire film on the Baltic Sea in 1926 — as “extrav­a­gant, bizarre, and hilar­i­ous”. The script con­tains flam­boy­ant dia­logues that inter­weave with mus­ings on social class­es, cre­at­ing par­al­lels to the mag­ic and cor­rupt­ibil­i­ty of cin­e­ma. We are very excit­ed at the thought of this enter­tain­ing script being made into a film. The prizewin­ner is also enti­tled to sub­si­dies of up to €20,000 for the real­i­sa­tion of the film.

We con­grat­u­late Julian Radl­maier — who also won last year’s Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino Kom­pagnon-Fel­low­ship for the screen­play of “Blut­sauger” — on this suc­cess!