The DFFB with 7 film projects at the 40th Film Fes­ti­val Max Ophüls Preis

Sev­en DFFB film con­tri­bu­tions will be shown at the anniver­sary edi­tion of the 40th Film Fes­ti­val Max Ophüls Preis (14.–20.1.2019) in Saar­brück­en. The fol­low­ing projects are invit­ed:

Com­pe­ti­tion Fea­ture Film:
DAS MELANCHOLISCHE MÄDCHEN (R/​B: Susanne Hein­rich, K: Agnes Pakoz­di, P: Jana Kreissl)

Com­pe­ti­tion doc­u­men­tary film:

LET THE BELL RING (R/​B: Christin Fre­itag, K: Max Preiss, P: Eva Kemme, Tobias Siebert, Ans­gar Frerich)

Short Film Com­pe­ti­tion:

DER JUNGE MIT DEM KAROHEMD (R/​B: Alek­san­dra Odić, K: Katha­ri­na Wahl, P: Ibrahim-Utku Erdo­gan)

ABDRIFT (R: Gian Suh­n­er, B: Gian Suh­n­er, Jacob Haupt­mann, K: Nina Reich­mann, P: Mari­am Shat­berashvili, Lucas Thiem)


STRAIGHT FAMILY (R: Jas­mine Alakari, Eline Gehring, Sanela Salket­ic, K: Patrick Jasim, Agnes Pakoz­di, Pao­la Cal­vo, Raphael Bein­der, P: Daria Wich­mann, Cecil­ia Trau­vet­ter, Lucas Thiem, Bern­hard Schnei­der, Simon Lubin­s­ki, Vic­tor Buza­l­ka)

MOP — Watch­list

LIEBESFILM (R/​B: Robert Bohrer/​Emma Rosa Simon, K: Emma Rosa Simon)

NIXEN (R/​B: Katin­ka Nar­jes, K: Car­men Tre­ichl, P: Sabine Schmidt)

The annu­al film fes­ti­val Max-Ophüls-Preis is one of the most impor­tant forums for young Ger­man-lan­guage film tal­ents. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the film fes­ti­val and a detailed overview of screen­ing dates can be found  here.