Film Club 35K: Q&A with Greg Kwedar and Clint Bent­ley

The stu­dent film club 35K invites all cin­e­ma lovers to end the year 2021 with an Amer­i­can indie thriller! This time, direc­tor Greg Kwedar and co-author Clint Bent­ley will be our guests and will answer ques­tions about TRANSPECOS in a film dis­cus­sion.

Their thrilling debut pre­miered in com­pe­ti­tion at the 2016 SXSW Film Fes­ti­val where it won the Audi­ence Award. And that’s what it’s about: For three Bor­der Patrol agents work­ing at a remote check­point in the desert, the con­tents of a car will reveal an insid­i­ous plot with­in their own ranks. Over the next 24 hours, they embark on a treach­er­ous jour­ney that could cost them their lives.

At 8pm we will watch the screen­er togeth­er and after­wards the con­ver­sa­tion with the guests, which will be held in Eng­lish, will start.

You can access the event via Zoom here. Please reg­is­ter with your name via e‑mail to hello@35‑

We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing you!