Meet & Min­gle: Film­net­zw­erk + Ser­i­al Eyes + Next Wave

Ever won­dered what it’s like to devel­op a sto­ry in a writer’s room? Ask­ing your­self what the future of cin­e­ma and film fes­ti­vals will look like? Eager to final­ly con­nect with the Berlin film com­mu­ni­ty? Or just look­ing for a chance to chat and engage with oth­er film­mak­ers after this long Coro­na win­ter?

Dur­ing our Meet & Min­gle, par­tic­i­pants of the NEXT WAVE and SERIAL EYES pro­grams and mem­bers of Film­net­zw­erk Berlin come togeth­er on won​der​.me to con­nect and exchange in a casu­al atmos­phere.

If you would like to join the Meet & Min­gle, please send an email to info@​filmnetzwerk-​berlin.​de until April 8th and you will receive fur­ther infor­ma­tion.

Don’t for­get to bring your apéri­tif drink!

Mon­day, April 12th, 5–6pm