Con­fer­ence with the rbb: “THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED”


young film­mak­ers, new audi­ences, dif­fer­ent tele­vi­sion con­tent

– a con­fer­ence by the rbb and the DFFB

In debates on the future of pub­lic tele­vi­sion, cer­tain peo­ple have already writ­ten off TV as we know it—and see the aging pub­lic as proof of this—while oth­ers like to com­plain that broad­cast­ers are no longer ful­fill­ing their pro­gram­ming man­date. The first per­spec­tive is rife with res­ig­na­tion, the oth­er is focused on the past. Where is the pas­sion and zest for new and young audi­ences? Of course, there are works by new tal­ents and exper­i­ments with new for­mats in order to win a younger audi­ence to pub­lic pro­gram­ming.

The con­fer­ence THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED, a coop­er­a­tion between the rbb and the DFFB, will focus on these future per­spec­tives: How can young film­mak­ers and the medi­um of tele­vi­sion work togeth­er to attract a younger demo­graph­ic? Which for­mats and nar­ra­tive forms can be (fur­ther) devel­oped to arouse the audience’s curios­i­ty towards the many facets and pos­si­bil­i­ties of the mov­ing image?

The one-day con­fer­ence aims to dis­cuss the best exam­ples of suc­cess­ful tele­vi­sion con­tent from Ger­many and abroad, take a look at the dif­fer­ent ways in which tele­vi­sion com­mis­sion­ing edi­tors work with young film­mak­ers, and address the desires and ambi­tions of these film­mak­ers and the prob­lems that they encounter when work­ing with tele­vi­sion chan­nels. Dur­ing the con­fer­ence, stu­dents will look at tele­vi­sion con­tent, com­mis­sion­ing edi­tors will present their work,  par­tic­i­pate in round tables, and iden­ti­fy prob­lems.

This event is by invi­ta­tion only—we ask for your under­stand­ing on this issue. If you have any ques­tions, please feel free to con­tact us via e‑mail.

*At DFFB events, pho­tos and films are tak­en which may be pub­lished on our web­site, in pub­li­ca­tions and on DFFB social media chan­nels. With your par­tic­i­pa­tion you agree to this.