The Life of a Cat
Suddenly Johan is breaking up with her, so she finds comfort with her
kindergarden friend Peter. After a Party Emma is drunk and confused, Peter is
using Emmas confused mood to have sex with her. But Emma doesn’t want to
sleep with her best friend. At the next morning innocent Emma is older,
because she made one experience.
40 year old Emma is staying the summer between her husband, her child, a lot
of toys and laundry at the small summer house at the lake. She remembers her
past with Peter and her affair. When a friend of her is inviting Emma and her
family to a garden party, she decides to lie. Emma tells her friend that she had
to come alone, because the rest of the family is sick.
On the garden party Emma is meeting a man in her age. After she decided that
this would bet he chance for a small adventure, she meets the man again, next
to him a 20 year old girl.
Emma and the young woman are starting to fight. Emma is jealous not because
of the man but because of the youth of the girl.
20 year old Emmas best friend is Peter, but she loves a much older man, with
who she has an affair. She stays over the summer at a small house at a lake,
which is her secret meeting point with her older boyfriend.The Party is coming to an end and Emma realizes that the young girl reminds
her of herself when she was 20. She remembers the drunken night with Peter,
and her bad experience. $0 year old Emma is happy, that she already went to
this experiences, she is giving up the fight with the young girl. Because she is
he smarter one.
60 year old Emma is in love. She feels like 20. She is taking care of her
granddaughter, who can’t believe that Emmas Name is Emma not Grandma.
Emma remembers her life with 20 and 40. She feels comfortable but the life is
breaking through her safe world.
Daniela Schulz
Lisa Adler
Lore Stefanek
Emanuele Peters
Christian Pätzold
Norbert Hülm
Patrik Winszewski
Karoline Wiegers
Laura Lackmann Popescu
Sebastian Fremder
Henning Groß
Lars Duppler
Film info
Laura Lackmann Popescu
Country of production:
Production Company:
Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin
Shooting format:
16 mm
Screening format:
Frame rate:
24 fps
Aspect ratio:
Sound format: