Mariel Baque­iro wins the prize for Best Cam­era award­ed by the Ver­band der Deutschen Filmkri­tik (Ger­man Film Crit­ics Asso­ci­a­tion)

The Prize of Ger­man Film Crit­ics is the only Ger­man film prize award­ed exclu­sive­ly by crit­ics. The prize has an impres­sive rep­u­ta­tion, and is not based on eco­nom­ic, coun­try, or polit­i­cal cri­te­ria, but sole­ly on an artis­tic cri­te­ri­on. In the past, the prize was also award­ed to out­stand­ing films and direc­tors of the year; it was award­ed for the first time in 1956.

This year, the prize for the best cam­era was award­ed to DFFB grad­u­ate Mariel Baque­iro, pre­sent­ed by the Ger­man Film Crit­ics Asso­ci­a­tion. The award went to her work on HAGAZUSSA (D/​S: Lukas Feigelfeld, C: Mariel Baquiero, P: Simon Lubin­sky, Lukas Feigelfeld). Through her impres­sive images, Mariel cre­ates a fight­en­ing atmos­phere hat cap­ti­vates. Her cam­era work enables a deep immer­sion of the pro­tag­nist. In the whirlpool of psy­che­del­ic-ecsta­t­ic image sequences, action and reac­tion fall into one and make it dif­fi­cult for us to make a moral judge­ment — a real visu­al expe­ri­ence for the audi­ence. HAGAZUSSA already gained admi­ra­tion dur­ing the First Steps Award 2018, win­ning the Michael Ball­haus Award for the Best Cin­e­matog­ra­phy, which was endowed with a €10,000 award.

We con­grat­u­late Mariel on this new award!