Short Film | 2017 | Ger­many | 12 min­utes



From a play­ground oppo­site a dark, mys­ti­cal for­est, a young girl peers between the trees in search of the spir­it of her recent­ly deceased moth­er. Feel­ing a sud­den force of attrac­tion, she wan­ders out alone hop­ing to find solace. With­in, she com­mu­ni­cates with the sur­round­ing nature while slow­ly bring­ing it to life. She exceeds the bor­ders of real­i­ty, mak­ing her way into the super­nat­ur­al. Deep into the for­est she finds com­fort in an old tree, and by lay­ing down next to it, she feels the warmth of her moth­er.



Direc­tor: Lasse Hold­hus
Author: Josef Ulbig
Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Anto­nia Lang
Pro­duc­er: Hen­ning Wag­n­er, Nad­ja Rothkirch