Short Film | 2014 | Ger­many | 22 min­utes



Thir­teen- year-old LIA is in love with the four­teen year-old, per­fect, Adam and actu­al­ly there is no prob­lem at all. Adam is cute, super intel­lec­tu­al, sporty and is inter­est­ed only in her. Why, she does not know. Something’s very wrong with her, or at least she seems to think so. When Adams par­ents give the two tick­ets to their favorite opera and insist that Lias par­ents come along, trou­bles begin. Although love­ly and warm, Lias par­ents are ani­mals! Lia is con­vinced that Adam will sep­a­rate from her as soon as he finds out. And so Lia just rents new par­ents. They are per­fect just like Adam, or at least she seems to think so.



Direc­tor: Rebe­ca Ofek
Author: Ines Berwing
Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Albrecht von Grün­hagen
Pro­duc­er: Rebe­ca Ofek